ENH using tested feature type to store results for printing

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Nathan Dwarshuis 2022-06-20 13:47:01 -04:00
parent 2a5aa4eda9
commit f11a66052d
1 changed files with 196 additions and 131 deletions

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@ -36,14 +36,38 @@ import XMonad.Internal.Shell
data AnyFeature p = FX (FeatureX p) | FIO (FeatureIO p) data AnyFeature p = FX (FeatureX p) | FIO (FeatureIO p)
type FeatureX p = Feature (X ()) Tree p type FeatureX p = Feature (X ()) p
type FeatureIO p = Feature (IO ()) Tree p type FeatureIO p = Feature (IO ()) p
data Feature a t p = Feature (FeatureData a t p) (Feature a t p) data Feature a p = Feature (FeatureData a Tree_ p) (Feature a p)
| NoFeature | NoFeature
| ConstFeature a | ConstFeature a
-- TODO this feels icky, and I don't feel like typing it
data TestedFeature a p = TestedFeature (TestedFeature_ a p)
| TestedConst a [String]
data TestedFeature_ a p = TestedFeature_
{ tfSuccess :: Maybe (SuccessfulFeature a p)
, tfFailed :: [Either (FeatureData a Tree_ p, String)
(FeatureData a ResultTree_ p, [String])]
, tfUntested :: Feature a p
data SuccessfulFeature a p = SuccessfulFeature
{ sfData :: FeatureData a ResultTree_ p
, sfAction :: a
, sfWarnings :: [String]
data FeatureResult a p = Untestable (FeatureData a Tree_ p) String |
FailedFtr (FeatureData a ResultTree_ p) [String] |
SuccessfulFtr (SuccessfulFeature a p)
type ActionTreeMaybe a p = Either (ActionTree a Tree_ p, String)
(ActionTree a ResultTree_ p, Maybe a, [String])
printMsgs :: LogLevel -> [Msg] -> IO () printMsgs :: LogLevel -> [Msg] -> IO ()
printMsgs lvl ms = do printMsgs lvl ms = do
pn <- getProgName pn <- getProgName
@ -56,15 +80,6 @@ printMsg pname lvl (Msg ml mn msg)
where where
bracket s = "[" ++ s ++ "]" bracket s = "[" ++ s ++ "]"
-- | Given a feature, return a monadic action if all dependencies are satisfied,
-- else Nothing (and print errors)
evalFeature :: Feature a ResultTree p -> (Maybe a, [Msg])
evalFeature (ConstFeature x) = (Just x, [])
evalFeature NoFeature = (Nothing, [])
evalFeature (Feature f alt) =
either (\es -> second (++es) $ evalFeature alt) (first Just)
$ evalFeatureData f
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Feature Data -- | Feature Data
@ -78,40 +93,25 @@ data LogLevel = Silent | Error | Warn | Debug deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data Msg = Msg LogLevel String String data Msg = Msg LogLevel String String
evalFeatureData :: FeatureData a ResultTree p -> Either [Msg] (a, [Msg])
evalFeatureData FeatureData { fdTree = t, fdName = n, fdLevel = l } =
bimap (msg l) (second (msg $ min l Warn)) $ evalActionTree t
msg lvl = fmap (Msg lvl n)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Action Tree -- | Action Tree
data ActionTree a t p = data ActionTree a t p =
IOTree (Action a p) (t (IODependency a t p) p) IOTree (Action a p) (t (IODependency a p) p)
| DBusTree (Action (Client -> a) p) (Maybe Client) (t (DBusDependency a t p) p) | DBusTree (Action (Client -> a) p) (Maybe Client) (t (DBusDependency a p) p)
data Action a p = Standalone a data Action a p = Standalone a | Consumer (p -> a)
| Consumer (p -> a) (p -> Summary p) (p -> p -> Summary p)
evalActionTree :: ActionTree a ResultTree p -> Either [String] (a, [String])
evalActionTree at = case at of
(IOTree a t) -> resolve a t
(DBusTree a (Just c) t) -> (\(f, w) -> (f c, w)) <$> resolve a t
-- TODO this is kinda redundant because I'll also get a message the dep tree
-- failing when I don't have a client
(DBusTree _ Nothing _) -> Left ["client not available to build action"]
resolve (Standalone af) t = (\(_, w) -> Right (af, w)) =<< evalTreeNoop t
resolve (Consumer af f1 f2) t = (\(p, w) -> maybe noPayload (\p' -> Right (af p', w)) p)
=<< evalTree f1 f2 t
noPayload = Left ["payload not available to build action"]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | (Result) Tree -- | (Result) Tree
data Tree d p = And (Tree d p) (Tree d p) | Or (Tree d p) (Tree d p) | Only d data Tree d p = And (Tree d p) (Tree d p) | Or (Tree d p) (Tree d p) | Only d
data Tree_ d p =
And_ (p -> p -> p) (Tree_ d p) (Tree_ d p)
| Or_ (p -> p) (p -> p) (Tree_ d p) (Tree_ d p)
| Only_ d
-- | how to interpret ResultTree combinations: -- | how to interpret ResultTree combinations:
-- First (LeafSuccess a) (Tree a) -> Or that succeeded on left -- First (LeafSuccess a) (Tree a) -> Or that succeeded on left
-- First (LeafFail a) (Tree a) -> And that failed on left -- First (LeafFail a) (Tree a) -> And that failed on left
@ -126,6 +126,12 @@ data ResultTree d p =
| LeafSuccess d (Maybe p, [String]) | LeafSuccess d (Maybe p, [String])
| LeafFail d [String] | LeafFail d [String]
data ResultTree_ d p =
First_ (ResultTree_ d p) (Tree_ d p)
| Both_ (ResultTree_ d p) (ResultTree_ d p)
| LeafSuccess_ d [String]
| LeafFail_ d [String]
type Payload p = (Maybe p, [String]) type Payload p = (Maybe p, [String])
type Summary p = Either [String] (Payload p) type Summary p = Either [String] (Payload p)
@ -139,38 +145,8 @@ smryFail msg = Left [msg]
smryInit :: Summary p smryInit :: Summary p
smryInit = Right (Nothing, []) smryInit = Right (Nothing, [])
-- | Given an updated condition tree, collect all evaluations and return a foldResultTreeMsgs :: ResultTree_ d p -> ([String], [String])
-- combined evaluation (which may be Nothing, Something, or an error). Must also foldResultTreeMsgs = undefined
-- supply a function to combine Results in the corner case where two And
-- arguments are successful and have non-empty outputs.
evalTree :: (p -> Summary p) -> (p -> p -> Summary p) -> ResultTree a p -> Summary p
evalTree f1 f2 = go (Right (Nothing, []))
go smry (First a _) = case go smry a of
-- -- Or succeeds on left
(Right p) -> combine p =<< smry
-- -- And fails on left
(Left e) -> Left e
go smry (Both a b) = case (go smry a, go smry b) of
-- And succeeds
(Right pa, Right pb) -> combine pb =<< combine pa =<< smry
-- Or fails both
(Left ea, Left eb) -> addCrits smry (ea ++ eb)
-- And fails on right
(Right _, Left eb) -> addCrits smry eb
-- -- Or succeeds on right
(Left ea, Right pb) -> addWarnings ea =<< combine pb =<< smry
go smry (LeafSuccess _ s) = combine s =<< smry
go smry (LeafFail _ e) = addCrits smry e
combine (Just pa, wa) (Just pb, _) = addWarnings wa =<< f2 pa pb
combine (Just pa, wa) (Nothing, _) = addWarnings wa =<< f1 pa
combine (Nothing, wa) (Just pb, _) = addWarnings wa =<< f1 pb
combine (Nothing, wa) cur = addWarnings wa cur
addWarnings new (p, cur) = Right (p, cur ++ new)
addCrits smry crits = Left $ crits ++ fromLeft [] smry
evalTreeNoop :: ResultTree a p -> Summary p
evalTreeNoop = evalTree smryNil (const . smryNil)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Result -- | Result
@ -180,44 +156,140 @@ type Result p = Either [String] (Maybe p)
resultNil :: p -> Result q resultNil :: p -> Result q
resultNil = const $ Right Nothing resultNil = const $ Right Nothing
-- | Given a condition tree, evaluate all dependencies according to 'fill in'
-- the results (which may either be Nothing, a returned payload to use for the
-- action, or an error.
updateIOConditions :: Tree (IODependency a Tree p) p
-> IO (ResultTree (IODependency a Tree p) p)
updateIOConditions = mapMTree testIODependency
updateDBusConditions :: Client -> Tree (DBusDependency a Tree p) p
-> IO (ResultTree (DBusDependency a Tree p) p)
updateDBusConditions client = mapMTree (evalDBusDependency client)
mapMTree :: Monad m => (d -> m (Summary p)) -> Tree d p -> m (ResultTree d p)
mapMTree f = fmap snd . go
go (And a b) = doTest a b True
go (Or a b) = doTest a b False
go (Only a) =
either (\es -> (False, LeafFail a es)) (\p -> (True, LeafSuccess a p))
<$> f a
doTest a b useAnd = do
(success, ra) <- go a
let try2nd = if useAnd then success else not success
if try2nd then second (Both ra) <$> go b else return (success, First ra b)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | IO Dependency -- | IO Dependency
data IODependency a t p = Executable Bool FilePath data IODependency a p = Executable Bool FilePath
| AccessiblePath FilePath Bool Bool | AccessiblePath FilePath Bool Bool
| IOTest String (IO (Maybe String)) | IOTest String (IO (Maybe String))
| IORead String (IO (Either String (Maybe p))) | IORead String (IO (Either String (Maybe p)))
| Systemd UnitType String | Systemd UnitType String
| NestedFeature (Feature a t p) | NestedFeature (Feature a p) (a -> p)
data UnitType = SystemUnit | UserUnit deriving (Eq, Show) data UnitType = SystemUnit | UserUnit deriving (Eq, Show)
testIODependency :: IODependency a Tree p -> IO (Summary p) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | DBus Dependency Result
data DBusDependency a p =
Bus BusName
| Endpoint BusName ObjectPath InterfaceName DBusMember
| DBusIO (IODependency a p)
data DBusMember = Method_ MemberName
| Signal_ MemberName
| Property_ String
deriving (Eq, Show)
introspectInterface :: InterfaceName
introspectInterface = interfaceName_ "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable"
introspectMethod :: MemberName
introspectMethod = memberName_ "Introspect"
-- | Feature evaluation
-- Here we attempt to build and return the monadic actions encoded by each
-- feature.
evalFeature :: Feature a p -> IO (Maybe a)
evalFeature ftr = do
r <- testFeature ftr
-- TODO print out all the errors/warnings when doing this
case r of
TestedConst c _ -> return $ Just c
TestedFeature t ->
case t of
TestedFeature_ { tfSuccess = Nothing, tfFailed = _ } -> return Nothing
TestedFeature_ { tfSuccess = Just (SuccessfulFeature { sfAction = a })
, tfFailed = _ } -> return $ Just a
-- | Dependency Testing
-- Here we test all dependencies and keep the tree structure so we can print it
-- for diagnostic purposes. This obviously has overlap with feature evaluation
-- since we need to resolve dependencies to build each feature.
testFeature :: Feature a p -> IO (TestedFeature a p)
testFeature = go []
go failed (Feature fd alt) = do
r <- testFeatureData fd
case r of
(Untestable fd' err) -> tryAlt alt $ Left (fd' ,err):failed
(FailedFtr fd' errs) -> tryAlt alt $ Right (fd' ,errs):failed
(SuccessfulFtr s) -> return $ TestedFeature $ TestedFeature_ (Just s) failed alt
go failed NoFeature = return $ TestedFeature $ TestedFeature_ Nothing failed NoFeature
-- TODO summarize errors here
go _ (ConstFeature c) = return $ TestedConst c [] --failed
tryAlt NoFeature failed = return $ TestedFeature $ TestedFeature_ Nothing failed NoFeature
tryAlt alt failed = go failed alt
testFeatureData :: FeatureData a Tree_ p -> IO (FeatureResult a p)
testFeatureData fd@(FeatureData { fdTree = t }) = do
atm <- testActionTree t
return $ either untestable checkAction atm
untestable (t', err) = Untestable (fd { fdTree = t' }) err
checkAction (t', Just a, ms) = SuccessfulFtr
$ SuccessfulFeature { sfData = fd { fdTree = t' }
, sfAction = a
, sfWarnings = ms
checkAction (t', Nothing, ms) = FailedFtr (fd { fdTree = t' }) ms
testActionTree :: ActionTree a Tree_ p -> IO (ActionTreeMaybe a p)
testActionTree t = do
case t of
(IOTree a d) -> do
(t', a', msgs) <- doTest testIOTree d a
return $ Right (IOTree a t', a', msgs)
(DBusTree a (Just cl) d) -> do
(t', a', msgs) <- doTest (testDBusTree cl) d a
return $ Right (DBusTree a (Just cl) t', fmap (\f -> f cl) a', msgs)
_ -> return $ Left (t, "client not available")
doTest testFun d a = do
(t', r) <- testFun d
-- TODO actually recover the proper error messages
let (a', msgs) = maybe (Nothing, []) (\p -> (fmap (apply a) p, [])) r
return (t', a', msgs)
apply (Standalone a) _ = a
apply (Consumer a) p = a p
testIOTree :: Tree_ (IODependency a p) p
-> IO (ResultTree_ (IODependency a p) p, Maybe (Maybe p))
testIOTree = testTree testIODependency
testDBusTree :: Client -> Tree_ (DBusDependency a p) p
-> IO (ResultTree_ (DBusDependency a p) p, Maybe (Maybe p))
testDBusTree client = testTree (testDBusDependency client)
testTree :: Monad m => (d -> m (Summary p)) -> Tree_ d p
-> m (ResultTree_ d p, Maybe (Maybe p))
testTree test = go
go (And_ f a b) = do
(ra, pa) <- go a
let combine = maybe (const Nothing) (\pa' -> Just . f pa')
let pass p = test2nd (combine p) ra b
let fail_ = return (First_ ra b, Nothing)
maybe fail_ pass pa
go (Or_ fa fb a b) = do
(ra, pa) <- go a
let pass p = return (First_ ra b, Just $ fa <$> p)
let fail_ = test2nd (Just . fb) ra b
maybe fail_ pass pa
go (Only_ a) =
either (\es -> (LeafFail_ a es, Nothing)) (\(p, ws) -> (LeafSuccess_ a ws, Just p))
<$> test a
test2nd f ra b = do
(rb, pb) <- go b
return (Both_ ra rb, fmap (f =<<) pb)
testIODependency :: IODependency a p -> IO (Summary p)
testIODependency (Executable _ bin) = maybe err smryNil <$> findExecutable bin testIODependency (Executable _ bin) = maybe err smryNil <$> findExecutable bin
where where
err = Left ["executable '" ++ bin ++ "' not found"] err = Left ["executable '" ++ bin ++ "' not found"]
@ -252,43 +324,36 @@ testIODependency (AccessiblePath p r w) = do
(_, Just False) -> smryFail "file not writable" (_, Just False) -> smryFail "file not writable"
_ -> Right (Nothing, []) _ -> Right (Nothing, [])
testIODependency (NestedFeature ftr) = go ftr testIODependency (NestedFeature ftr trans) = do
where r <- testFeature ftr
go (Feature (FeatureData { fdTree = t }) alt) = return $ case r of
-- TODO add feature name to messages -- TODO why would anyone do this?
TestedConst c _ -> Right (Just $ trans c, [])
TestedFeature t ->
case t of case t of
(IOTree a ct) -> evalFun a <$> updateIOConditions ct -- TODO actually summarize errors
(DBusTree a (Just client) ct) -> evalFun a <$> updateDBusConditions client ct TestedFeature_ { tfSuccess = Nothing
(DBusTree _ Nothing _) -> failMaybe alt ["client not found"] , tfFailed = _ } -> Left []
where TestedFeature_ { tfSuccess = Just (SuccessfulFeature { sfAction = a })
failMaybe NoFeature msg = return $ Left msg , tfFailed = _ } -> Right (Just $ trans a, [])
failMaybe f _ = go f -- testIODependency (NestedFeature ftr) = go ftr
evalFun (Standalone _) = evalTreeNoop -- where
evalFun (Consumer _ f1 f2) = evalTree f1 f2 -- go (Feature (FeatureData { fdTree = t }) alt) =
go _ = return $ Right (Nothing, []) -- -- TODO add feature name to messages
-- case t of
-- (IOTree _ ct) -> summarize <$> testIOTree ct
-- (DBusTree _ (Just cl) ct) -> summarize <$> testDBusTree cl ct
-- (DBusTree _ Nothing _) -> failMaybe alt ["client not found"]
-- where
-- failMaybe NoFeature msg = return $ Left msg
-- failMaybe f _ = go f
-- -- TODO actually thread errors here
-- summarize (_, Just p) = Right (p, [])
-- summarize (_, Nothing) = Left []
-- go _ = return $ Right (Nothing, [])
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testDBusDependency :: Client -> DBusDependency a p -> IO (Summary p)
-- | DBus Dependency Result testDBusDependency client (Bus bus) = do
data DBusDependency a e p =
Bus BusName
| Endpoint BusName ObjectPath InterfaceName DBusMember
| DBusIO (IODependency a e p)
data DBusMember = Method_ MemberName
| Signal_ MemberName
| Property_ String
deriving (Eq, Show)
introspectInterface :: InterfaceName
introspectInterface = interfaceName_ "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable"
introspectMethod :: MemberName
introspectMethod = memberName_ "Introspect"
evalDBusDependency :: Client -> DBusDependency a Tree p -> IO (Summary p)
evalDBusDependency client (Bus bus) = do
ret <- callMethod client queryBus queryPath queryIface queryMem ret <- callMethod client queryBus queryPath queryIface queryMem
return $ case ret of return $ case ret of
Left e -> smryFail e Left e -> smryFail e
@ -304,7 +369,7 @@ evalDBusDependency client (Bus bus) = do
bodyGetNames [v] = fromMaybe [] $ fromVariant v :: [String] bodyGetNames [v] = fromMaybe [] $ fromVariant v :: [String]
bodyGetNames _ = [] bodyGetNames _ = []
evalDBusDependency client (Endpoint busname objpath iface mem) = do testDBusDependency client (Endpoint busname objpath iface mem) = do
ret <- callMethod client busname objpath introspectInterface introspectMethod ret <- callMethod client busname objpath introspectInterface introspectMethod
return $ case ret of return $ case ret of
Left e -> smryFail e Left e -> smryFail e
@ -334,4 +399,4 @@ evalDBusDependency client (Endpoint busname objpath iface mem) = do
, formatBusName busname , formatBusName busname
] ]
evalDBusDependency _ (DBusIO d) = testIODependency d testDBusDependency _ (DBusIO d) = testIODependency d