FIX properly kill processes after xmonad has started

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Nathan Dwarshuis 2022-12-28 14:18:39 -05:00
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commit f3b0fb6ec5
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@ -28,7 +28,11 @@ import qualified RIO.Text as T
import System.Environment
import System.Posix.Signals
import System.Process (getPid)
import System.Process
( getPid
, getProcessExitCode
import System.Process.Typed (nullStream)
import XMonad
import XMonad.Actions.CopyWindow
@ -189,9 +193,13 @@ features cl = FeatureSet
startXmobar :: FIO (Process Handle () ())
startXmobar = do
p <- proc "xmobar" [] (startProcess . setStdin createPipe . setCreateGroup True)
p <- proc "xmobar" [] start
io $ hSetBuffering (getStdin p) LineBuffering
return p
start = startProcess
. setStdin createPipe
. setCreateGroup True
startChildDaemons :: FeatureSet -> FIO [Process () () ()]
startChildDaemons fs = catMaybes <$> mapM executeSometimes (fsDaemons fs)
@ -208,14 +216,14 @@ withChildDaemons fs = bracket (startChildDaemons fs) cleanup
cleanup ps = do
logInfo "stopping child processes"
mapM_ stopProcess ps
mapM_ (io . killNoWait) ps
withXmobar :: (Process Handle () () -> FIO a) -> FIO a
withXmobar = bracket startXmobar cleanup
cleanup p = do
logInfo "stopping xmobar child process"
stopProcess p
io $ killNoWait p
printDeps :: FIO ()
printDeps = do
@ -256,15 +264,35 @@ data ThreadState = ThreadState
runCleanup :: ThreadState -> DBusState -> X ()
runCleanup ts db = io $ do
mapM_ killNoWait $ tsXmobar ts
finally (mapM_ killNoWait $ tsChildPIDs ts) $
mapM_ killNoWait $ tsChildPIDs ts
disconnectDBusX db
stopNoWait p = handleIO (\_ -> return ()) $ stopProcess p
killNoWait p = do
-- | Kill a process (group) after xmonad has already started
-- This is necessary (as opposed to 'stopProcess' from rio) because a) xmonad
-- sets the handler for sigCHLD to Ignore which breaks 'waitForProcess' (which
-- in turn will break 'stopProcess') and b) because I want to kill off entire
-- process groups since they may spawn child processes themselves. NOTE:
-- for reasons unknown I cannot just turn off/on the signal handlers here.
killNoWait :: Process a () () -> IO ()
killNoWait p = do
-- this strategy is outlined/sanctioned in RIO.Process under
-- 'unsafeProcessHandle':
-- get the handle (unsafely, since it breaks the semantics of RIO)
let ph = unsafeProcessHandle p
-- check if the process has already exited (if so, do nothing since trying
-- to kill it will open wormholes
ec <- getProcessExitCode ph
unless (isJust ec) $ do
-- send SIGTERM to the entire group (NOTE: 'System.Process.terminateProcess'
-- does not actually do this despite what the docs say)
i <- getPid ph
forM_ i $ signalProcessGroup sigTERM
stopNoWait p
-- actually call 'stopProcess' which will clean up associated data and
-- then try to wait for the exit, which will fail because we are assuming
-- this function is called when the handler for SIGCHLD is Ignore. Ignore
-- the failure and move on with life.
handleIO (\_ -> return ()) $ stopProcess p
-- | Startuphook configuration