ENH remove subfeature crap

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2021-11-20 11:48:05 -05:00
parent 7ec86d04c4
commit f473e1f26d
8 changed files with 78 additions and 82 deletions

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@ -232,17 +232,14 @@ dateCmd = CmdSpec
-- toJust :: a -> Bool -> Maybe a
-- toJust x b = if b then Just x else Nothing
dbusDep :: Bool -> BusName -> ObjectPath -> InterfaceName -> DBusMember -> Dependency a
dbusDep usesys bus obj iface mem =
Dependency d
d = DBusEndpoint
{ ddDbusBus = bus
, ddDbusSystem = usesys
, ddDbusObject = obj
, ddDbusInterface = iface
, ddDbusMember = mem
dbusDep :: Bool -> BusName -> ObjectPath -> InterfaceName -> DBusMember -> Dependency
dbusDep usesys bus obj iface mem = DBusEndpoint
{ ddDbusBus = bus
, ddDbusSystem = usesys
, ddDbusObject = obj
, ddDbusInterface = iface
, ddDbusMember = mem
-- in the case of network interfaces, assume that the system uses systemd in
-- which case ethernet interfaces always start with "en" and wireless
@ -314,10 +311,10 @@ getBattery :: BarFeature
getBattery = Feature
{ ftrAction = batteryCmd
, ftrSilent = False
, ftrChildren = [Dependency $ IOTest hasBattery]
, ftrChildren = [IOTest hasBattery]
type BarFeature = Feature CmdSpec (IO ())
type BarFeature = Feature CmdSpec
getVPN :: BarFeature
getVPN = Feature
@ -327,7 +324,7 @@ getVPN = Feature
d = dbusDep True vpnBus vpnPath vpnInterface $ Property_ vpnConnType
v = Dependency $ IOTest vpnPresent
v = IOTest vpnPresent
getBt :: BarFeature
getBt = Feature

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ myOptimusManager = "optimus-manager"
-- | Core commands
runScreenLock :: Feature (X ()) (X ())
runScreenLock :: Feature (X ())
runScreenLock = Feature
{ ftrAction = spawn myScreenlock
, ftrSilent = False

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@ -33,21 +33,19 @@ memAdded = memberName_ "InterfacesAdded"
memRemoved :: MemberName
memRemoved = memberName_ "InterfacesRemoved"
dbusDep :: MemberName -> Dependency (IO a)
dbusDep m = Dependency d
d = DBusEndpoint
{ ddDbusBus = bus
, ddDbusSystem = True
, ddDbusObject = path
, ddDbusInterface = interface
, ddDbusMember = Signal_ m
dbusDep :: MemberName -> Dependency
dbusDep m = DBusEndpoint
{ ddDbusBus = bus
, ddDbusSystem = True
, ddDbusObject = path
, ddDbusInterface = interface
, ddDbusMember = Signal_ m
addedDep :: Dependency (IO a)
addedDep :: Dependency
addedDep = dbusDep memAdded
removedDep :: Dependency (IO a)
removedDep :: Dependency
removedDep = dbusDep memRemoved
driveInsertedSound :: FilePath

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@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ data BrightnessControls = BrightnessControls
, bctlDec :: FeatureIO
exportBrightnessControls :: RealFrac b => [Dependency (IO ())] -> BrightnessConfig a b
exportBrightnessControls :: RealFrac b => [Dependency] -> BrightnessConfig a b
-> Client -> IO BrightnessControls
exportBrightnessControls deps bc client =
initControls client (brightnessExporter deps bc) controls
controls exporter = let callBacklight' = callBacklight bc exporter in
controls _ = let callBacklight' = callBacklight bc in
{ bctlMax = callBacklight' memMax
, bctlMin = callBacklight' memMin
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ matchSignal BrightnessConfig { bcPath = p, bcInterface = i } cb = do
-- ]
-- }
brightnessExporter :: RealFrac b => [Dependency (IO ())]
brightnessExporter :: RealFrac b => [Dependency]
-> BrightnessConfig a b -> Client -> FeatureIO
brightnessExporter deps bc client = Feature
{ ftrAction = exportBrightnessControls' bc client
@ -127,13 +127,15 @@ emitBrightness BrightnessConfig{ bcPath = p, bcInterface = i } client cur =
-- callBacklight BrightnessConfig { bcPath = p, bcInterface = i } mem =
-- void $ callMethod $ methodCall p i mem
callBacklight :: BrightnessConfig a b -> FeatureIO -> MemberName -> FeatureIO
callBacklight BrightnessConfig { bcPath = p, bcInterface = i } exporter mem =
callBacklight :: BrightnessConfig a b -> MemberName -> FeatureIO
callBacklight BrightnessConfig { bcPath = p, bcInterface = i } mem =
{ ftrAction = void $ callMethod $ methodCall p i mem
, ftrSilent = False
, ftrChildren = [SubFeature exporter]
, ftrChildren = [mkDep mem]
mkDep = xDbusDep p i . Method_
bodyGetBrightness :: Num a => [Variant] -> Maybe a
bodyGetBrightness [b] = fromIntegral <$> (fromVariant b :: Maybe Int32)

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@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ intelBacklightConfig = BrightnessConfig
-- | Exported haskell API
curFileDep :: Dependency (IO a)
curFileDep :: Dependency
curFileDep = pathRW curFile
maxFileDep :: Dependency (IO a)
maxFileDep :: Dependency
maxFileDep = pathR maxFile
exportIntelBacklight :: Client -> IO BrightnessControls

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module XMonad.Internal.DBus.Common
, callMethod'
, addMatchCallback
, xmonadBus
, xDbusDep
, initControls
) where
@ -17,6 +18,15 @@ import XMonad.Internal.Dependency
xmonadBus :: BusName
xmonadBus = busName_ "org.xmonad"
xDbusDep :: ObjectPath -> InterfaceName -> DBusMember -> Dependency
xDbusDep o i m = DBusEndpoint
{ ddDbusBus = xmonadBus
, ddDbusSystem = False
, ddDbusObject = o
, ddDbusInterface = i
, ddDbusMember = m
-- | Call a method and return its result if successful
callMethod :: MethodCall -> IO (Maybe [Variant])
callMethod mc = do

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@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ type SSState = Bool -- true is enabled
ssExecutable :: String
ssExecutable = "xset"
ssDep :: Dependency (IO a)
ssDep = exe ssExecutable
ssDep :: Dependency
ssDep = Executable ssExecutable
toggle :: IO SSState
toggle = do
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ newtype SSControls = SSControls { ssToggle :: FeatureIO }
exportScreensaver :: Client -> IO SSControls
exportScreensaver client = initControls client exportScreensaver' controls
controls exporter = SSControls { ssToggle = callToggle exporter }
controls _ = SSControls { ssToggle = callToggle }
exportScreensaver' :: Client -> FeatureIO
exportScreensaver' client = Feature
@ -119,14 +119,15 @@ exportScreensaver' client = Feature
callToggle :: FeatureIO -> FeatureIO
callToggle exporter = Feature
callToggle :: FeatureIO
callToggle = Feature
{ ftrAction = cmd
, ftrSilent = False
, ftrChildren = [SubFeature exporter]
, ftrChildren = mkDep <$> [memQuery, memState, memToggle]
cmd = void $ callMethod $ methodCall ssPath interface memToggle
mkDep = xDbusDep ssPath interface . Method_
callQuery :: IO (Maybe SSState)
callQuery = do

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ module XMonad.Internal.Dependency
( MaybeExe
, UnitType(..)
, Dependency(..)
, DependencyData(..)
, DBusMember(..)
, MaybeX
, FeatureX
@ -56,7 +55,8 @@ data DBusMember = Method_ MemberName
| Property_ String
deriving (Eq, Show)
data DependencyData = Executable String
-- data DependencyData = Executable String
data Dependency = Executable String
| AccessiblePath FilePath Bool Bool
| IOTest (IO (Maybe String))
| DBusEndpoint
@ -68,32 +68,27 @@ data DependencyData = Executable String
| Systemd UnitType String
data Dependency a = SubFeature (Feature a a)
| Dependency DependencyData
-- data Dependency a = SubFeature (Feature a a)
-- | Dependency DependencyData
data Feature a b = Feature
data Feature a = Feature
{ ftrAction :: a
, ftrSilent :: Bool
, ftrChildren :: [Dependency b]
, ftrChildren :: [Dependency]
| ConstFeature a
| BlankFeature
type FeatureX = Feature (X ()) (X ())
type FeatureX = Feature (X ())
type FeatureIO = Feature (IO ()) (IO ())
type FeatureIO = Feature (IO ())
ioFeature :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO n) => Feature (IO a) (IO b) -> Feature (m a) (n b)
ioFeature f@Feature { ftrAction = a, ftrChildren = ds } =
f { ftrAction = liftIO a, ftrChildren = fmap go ds }
go :: MonadIO o => Dependency (IO b) -> Dependency (o b)
go (SubFeature s) = SubFeature $ ioFeature s
go (Dependency d) = Dependency d
ioFeature (ConstFeature f) = ConstFeature $ liftIO f
ioFeature BlankFeature = BlankFeature
ioFeature :: (MonadIO m) => Feature (IO a) -> Feature (m a)
ioFeature f@Feature { ftrAction = a } = f { ftrAction = liftIO a }
ioFeature (ConstFeature f) = ConstFeature $ liftIO f
ioFeature BlankFeature = BlankFeature
evalFeature :: Feature a b -> IO (MaybeExe a)
evalFeature :: Feature a -> IO (MaybeExe a)
evalFeature (ConstFeature x) = return $ Right x
evalFeature BlankFeature = return $ Left []
evalFeature Feature { ftrAction = a, ftrSilent = s, ftrChildren = c } = do
@ -102,35 +97,28 @@ evalFeature Feature { ftrAction = a, ftrSilent = s, ftrChildren = c } = do
[] -> Right a
es' -> Left (if s then [] else es')
go (SubFeature Feature { ftrChildren = cs }) = concat <$> mapM go cs
go (Dependency d) = do
e <- depInstalled d
return $ maybeToList e
go (SubFeature _) = return []
go = fmap maybeToList . depInstalled
exe :: String -> Dependency a
exe = Dependency . Executable
exe :: String -> Dependency
exe = Executable
unit :: UnitType -> String -> Dependency a
unit t = Dependency . Systemd t
path :: Bool -> Bool -> String -> Dependency
path r w n = AccessiblePath n r w
path :: Bool -> Bool -> String -> Dependency a
path r w n = Dependency $ AccessiblePath n r w
pathR :: String -> Dependency a
pathR :: String -> Dependency
pathR = path True False
pathW :: String -> Dependency a
pathW :: String -> Dependency
pathW = path False True
pathRW :: String -> Dependency a
pathRW :: String -> Dependency
pathRW = path True True
systemUnit :: String -> Dependency a
systemUnit = unit SystemUnit
systemUnit :: String -> Dependency
systemUnit = Systemd SystemUnit
userUnit :: String -> Dependency a
userUnit = unit UserUnit
userUnit :: String -> Dependency
userUnit = Systemd UserUnit
-- TODO this is poorly named. This actually represents an action that has
-- one or more dependencies (where "action" is not necessarily executing an exe)
@ -138,17 +126,17 @@ type MaybeExe a = Either [String] a
type MaybeX = MaybeExe (X ())
featureRun :: [Dependency a] -> b -> Feature b a
featureRun :: [Dependency] -> a -> Feature a
featureRun ds x = Feature
{ ftrAction = x
, ftrSilent = False
, ftrChildren = ds
featureSpawnCmd :: MonadIO m => String -> [String] -> Feature (m ()) (m ())
featureSpawnCmd :: MonadIO m => String -> [String] -> Feature (m ())
featureSpawnCmd cmd args = featureRun [exe cmd] $ spawnCmd cmd args
featureSpawn :: MonadIO m => String -> Feature (m ()) (m ())
featureSpawn :: MonadIO m => String -> Feature (m ())
featureSpawn cmd = featureSpawnCmd cmd []
exeInstalled :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
@ -212,7 +200,7 @@ dbusInstalled bus usesystem objpath iface mem = do
matchMem (Signal_ n) = elem n . fmap I.signalName . I.interfaceSignals
matchMem (Property_ n) = elem n . fmap I.propertyName . I.interfaceProperties
depInstalled :: DependencyData -> IO (Maybe String)
depInstalled :: Dependency -> IO (Maybe String)
depInstalled (Executable n) = exeInstalled n
depInstalled (IOTest t) = t
depInstalled (Systemd t n) = unitInstalled t n