module Main (main) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Xmobar binary -- -- Features: -- * Uses the 'UnsafeStdinReader' to receive the current workspace/layout config -- from xmonad -- * FontAwesome and Symbol fonts for icons -- * Some custom plugins (imported below) -- * Theme integration with xmonad (shared module imported below) -- * A custom Locks plugin from my own forked repo import Data.Either import Data.List import Data.Maybe import DBus import System.Directory import System.Exit import System.IO import System.IO.Error import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode) import Xmobar.Plugins.Bluetooth import Xmobar.Plugins.Device import Xmobar.Plugins.IntelBacklight import Xmobar.Plugins.Screensaver import Xmobar.Plugins.VPN import XMonad (getXMonadDir) import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog (wrap, xmobarColor) import XMonad.Internal.Command.Power (hasBattery) import XMonad.Internal.DBus.Common (xmonadBus) import XMonad.Internal.DBus.Control (pathExists) import XMonad.Internal.DBus.IntelBacklight (blPath) import XMonad.Internal.DBus.Screensaver (ssPath) import XMonad.Internal.Shell (fmtCmd) import qualified XMonad.Internal.Theme as T import Xmobar main :: IO () main = do cs <- getAllCommands d <- getXMonadDir xmobar $ config cs d config :: BarRegions -> String -> Config config br confDir = defaultConfig { font = barFont , additionalFonts = [iconFont, iconFontLarge, iconFontXLarge] , textOffset = 16 , textOffsets = [16, 17, 18] , bgColor = T.bgColor , fgColor = T.fgColor , position = BottomSize C 100 24 , border = NoBorder , borderColor = T.bordersColor , sepChar = pSep , alignSep = [lSep, rSep] , template = fmtRegions br , lowerOnStart = False , hideOnStart = False , allDesktops = True , overrideRedirect = True , pickBroadest = False , persistent = True -- store the icons with the xmonad/xmobar stack project , iconRoot = confDir ++ "/icons" , commands = csRunnable <$> concatRegions br } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | command specifications data BarRegions = BarRegions { brLeft :: [CmdSpec] , brCenter :: [CmdSpec] , brRight :: [CmdSpec] } deriving Show data CmdSpec = CmdSpec { csAlias :: String , csRunnable :: Runnable } deriving Show concatRegions :: BarRegions -> [CmdSpec] concatRegions (BarRegions l c r) = l ++ c ++ r wirelessCmd :: String -> CmdSpec wirelessCmd iface = CmdSpec { csAlias = iface ++ "wi" , csRunnable = Run $ Wireless iface [ "-t", "" , "--" , "--quality-icon-pattern", "" ] 5 } ethernetCmd :: String -> CmdSpec ethernetCmd iface = CmdSpec { csAlias = iface , csRunnable = Run $ Device (iface, "\xf0e8", T.fgColor, T.backdropFgColor) 5 } batteryCmd :: CmdSpec batteryCmd = CmdSpec { csAlias = "battery" , csRunnable = Run $ Battery [ "--template", "" , "--Low", "10" , "--High", "80" , "--low", "red" , "--normal", T.fgColor , "--high", T.fgColor , "--" , "-a", notify , "-P" , "-o" , "\xf0e7" , "-O" , "\xf1e6" , "-i" , "\xf1e6" ] 50 } where notify = fmtCmd "notify-send" [ "-u" , "critical" , "-i" , "'dialog-information-symbolic'" , "'low battery'" ] vpnCmd :: CmdSpec vpnCmd = CmdSpec { csAlias = vpnAlias , csRunnable = Run $ VPN ("\xf023", T.fgColor, T.backdropFgColor) 5 } btCmd :: CmdSpec btCmd = CmdSpec { csAlias = btAlias , csRunnable = Run $ Bluetooth ("\xf293", T.fgColor, T.backdropFgColor) 5 } alsaCmd :: CmdSpec alsaCmd = CmdSpec { csAlias = "alsa:default:Master" , csRunnable = Run $ Alsa "default" "Master" [ "-t", "%" , "--" , "-O", "\xf028" , "-o", "\xf026 " , "-c", T.fgColor , "-C", T.fgColor ] } blCmd :: CmdSpec blCmd = CmdSpec { csAlias = "intelbacklight" , csRunnable = Run $ IntelBacklight "\xf185" } ssCmd :: CmdSpec ssCmd = CmdSpec { csAlias = ssAlias , csRunnable = Run $ Screensaver ("\xf254", T.fgColor, T.backdropFgColor) } lockCmd :: CmdSpec lockCmd = CmdSpec { csAlias = "locks" , csRunnable = Run $ Locks [ "-N", "\xf8a5" , "-n", xmobarColor T.backdropFgColor "" "\xf8a5" , "-C", "\xf657" , "-c", xmobarColor T.backdropFgColor "" "\xf657" , "-s", "" , "-S", "" , "-d", " " ] } dateCmd :: CmdSpec dateCmd = CmdSpec { csAlias = "date" , csRunnable = Run $ Date "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S " "date" 10 } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | command runtime checks and setup -- some commands depend on the presence of interfaces that can only be -- determined at runtime; define these checks here noSetup :: Monad m => a -> m (Maybe a) noSetup = return . Just toJust :: a -> Bool -> Maybe a toJust x b = if b then Just x else Nothing whenDBusPath :: Bool -> BusName -> ObjectPath -> CmdSpec -> IO (Maybe CmdSpec) whenDBusPath usesys b p cs = toJust cs <$> pathExists usesys b p -- in the case of network interfaces, assume that the system uses systemd in -- which case ethernet interfaces always start with "en" and wireless -- interfaces always start with "wl" isWireless :: String -> Bool isWireless ('w':'l':_) = True isWireless _ = False isEthernet :: String -> Bool isEthernet ('e':'n':_) = True isEthernet _ = False listInterfaces :: IO [String] listInterfaces = fromRight [] <$> tryIOError (listDirectory sysfsNet) sysfsNet :: FilePath sysfsNet = "/sys/class/net" getWireless :: IO (Maybe CmdSpec) getWireless = do ns <- filter isWireless <$> listInterfaces return $ case ns of [n] -> Just $ wirelessCmd n _ -> Nothing getEthernet :: IO (Maybe CmdSpec) getEthernet = do e <- pathExists True devBus devPath ns <- filter isEthernet <$> listInterfaces return $ case ns of [n] -> toJust (ethernetCmd n) e _ -> Nothing getBattery :: IO (Maybe CmdSpec) getBattery = toJust batteryCmd <$> hasBattery getVPN :: IO (Maybe CmdSpec) getVPN = do res <- tryIOError $ readProcessWithExitCode "nmcli" args "" case res of (Right (ExitSuccess, out, _)) -> do e <- pathExists True vpnBus vpnPath return $ toJust vpnCmd (e && "vpn" `elem` lines out) (Left _) -> do putStrLn "WARNING: could not get list of network interfaces" return Nothing _ -> return Nothing where args = ["-c", "no", "-t", "-f", "TYPE", "c", "show"] getBt :: IO (Maybe CmdSpec) getBt = whenDBusPath True btBus btPath btCmd getAlsa :: IO (Maybe CmdSpec) getAlsa = toJust alsaCmd . isJust <$> findExecutable "alsactl" getBl :: IO (Maybe CmdSpec) getBl = whenDBusPath False xmonadBus blPath blCmd getSs :: IO (Maybe CmdSpec) getSs = whenDBusPath False xmonadBus ssPath ssCmd getAllCommands :: IO BarRegions getAllCommands = do let left = [ CmdSpec { csAlias = "UnsafeStdinReader" , csRunnable = Run UnsafeStdinReader } ] right <- catMaybes <$> sequence [ getWireless , getEthernet , getVPN , getBt , getAlsa , getBattery , getBl , getSs , noSetup lockCmd , noSetup dateCmd ] -- this is needed to see any printed messages hFlush stdout return $ BarRegions { brLeft = left , brCenter = [] , brRight = right } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | various formatting things sep :: String sep = xmobarColor T.backdropFgColor "" " : " lSep :: Char lSep = '}' rSep :: Char rSep = '{' pSep :: String pSep = "%" fmtSpecs :: [CmdSpec] -> String fmtSpecs = intercalate sep . fmap go where go CmdSpec { csAlias = a } = wrap pSep pSep a fmtRegions :: BarRegions -> String fmtRegions BarRegions { brLeft = l, brCenter = c, brRight = r } = fmtSpecs l ++ [lSep] ++ fmtSpecs c ++ [rSep] ++ fmtSpecs r barFont :: String barFont = T.fmtFontXFT T.font { = "DejaVu Sans Mono" , T.size = Just 11 , T.weight = Just T.Bold } iconFont :: String iconFont = T.fmtFontXFT T.font { = "Symbols Nerd Font" , T.size = Nothing , T.pixelsize = Just 13 } iconFontLarge :: String iconFontLarge = T.fmtFontXFT T.font { = "Symbols Nerd Font" , T.size = Nothing , T.pixelsize = Just 15 } iconFontXLarge :: String iconFontXLarge = T.fmtFontXFT T.font { = "Symbols Nerd Font" , T.size = Nothing , T.pixelsize = Just 20 }