{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | VirtualBox-specific functions module XMonad.Internal.Concurrent.VirtualBox ( vmExists , vmInstanceConfig , qual ) where import Control.Exception import Data.Internal.Dependency import Text.XML.Light import System.Directory import System.FilePath import XMonad.Internal.Shell vmExists :: String -> IO (Maybe Msg) vmExists vm = either (Just . Msg Error) (const Nothing) <$> vmInstanceConfig vm vmInstanceConfig :: String -> IO (Either String FilePath) vmInstanceConfig vmName = do either (return . Right) findInstance =<< vmDirectory where path = vmName (vmName ++ ".vbox") findInstance dir = do res <- findFile [dir] path return $ case res of Just p -> Right p Nothing -> Left $ "could not find VM instance: " ++ singleQuote vmName vmDirectory :: IO (Either String String) vmDirectory = do p <- vmConfig (s :: Either IOException String) <- try $ readFile p return $ case s of (Left _) -> Left "could not read VirtualBox config file" (Right x) -> maybe (Left "Could not parse VirtualBox config file") Right $ findDir =<< parseXMLDoc x where findDir e = findAttr (unqual "defaultMachineFolder") =<< findChild (qual e "SystemProperties") =<< findChild (qual e "Global") e qual :: Element -> String -> QName qual e n = (elName e) { qName = n } vmConfig :: IO FilePath vmConfig = getXdgDirectory XdgConfig "VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml"