
141 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- DBus module for Clevo Keyboard control
module XMonad.Internal.DBus.Brightness.ClevoKeyboard
( callGetBrightnessCK
, matchSignalCK
, exportClevoKeyboard
, clevoKeyboardControls
, clevoKeyboardSignalDep
, blPath
import DBus
import Data.Internal.DBus
import Data.Internal.XIO
import RIO
import RIO.FilePath
import XMonad.Internal.DBus.Brightness.Common
import XMonad.Internal.IO
-- Low level sysfs functions
type Brightness = Float
type RawBrightness = Int32
type RawBounds = (RawBrightness, RawBrightness)
steps :: Int
steps = 16
-- assume this is hardcoded into the driver and will never change
maxRawBrightness :: RawBrightness
maxRawBrightness = 255
minRawBrightness :: RawBrightness
minRawBrightness = 0
backlightDir :: FilePath
backlightDir = "/sys/devices/platform/tuxedo_keyboard"
stateFile :: FilePath
stateFile = backlightDir </> "state"
stateChange :: Bool -> IO ()
stateChange = writeBool stateFile
stateOn :: IO ()
stateOn = stateChange True
stateOff :: IO ()
stateOff = stateChange False
brightnessFile :: FilePath
brightnessFile = backlightDir </> "brightness"
getBrightness :: RawBounds -> IO Brightness
getBrightness bounds = readPercent bounds brightnessFile
minBrightness :: RawBounds -> IO Brightness
minBrightness bounds = do
b <- writePercentMin bounds brightnessFile
return b
maxBrightness :: RawBounds -> IO Brightness
maxBrightness bounds = stateOn >> writePercentMax bounds brightnessFile
incBrightness :: RawBounds -> IO Brightness
incBrightness bounds = stateOn >> incPercent steps brightnessFile bounds
decBrightness :: RawBounds -> IO Brightness
decBrightness bounds = do
b <- decPercent steps brightnessFile bounds
when (b == 0) stateOff
return b
-- DBus interface
blPath :: ObjectPath
blPath = objectPath_ "/clevo_keyboard"
interface :: InterfaceName
interface = interfaceName_ "org.xmonad.Brightness"
clevoKeyboardConfig :: BrightnessConfig RawBrightness Brightness
clevoKeyboardConfig =
{ bcMin = minBrightness
, bcMax = maxBrightness
, bcInc = incBrightness
, bcDec = decBrightness
, bcGet = getBrightness
, bcGetMax = return maxRawBrightness
, bcMinRaw = minRawBrightness
, bcPath = blPath
, bcInterface = interface
, bcName = "Clevo keyboard"
-- Exported haskell API
stateFileDep :: IODependency_
stateFileDep = pathRW stateFile [Package AUR "tuxedo-keyboard"]
brightnessFileDep :: IODependency_
brightnessFileDep = pathR brightnessFile [Package AUR "tuxedo-keyboard"]
clevoKeyboardSignalDep :: DBusDependency_ SesClient
clevoKeyboardSignalDep = signalDep clevoKeyboardConfig
:: (MonadReader env m, HasLogFunc env, MonadUnliftIO m)
=> Maybe SesClient
-> Sometimes (m (), m ())
exportClevoKeyboard =
[stateFileDep, brightnessFileDep]
clevoKeyboardControls :: MonadUnliftIO m => Maybe SesClient -> BrightnessControls m
clevoKeyboardControls = brightnessControls xpfClevoBacklight clevoKeyboardConfig
callGetBrightnessCK :: MonadUnliftIO m => SesClient -> m (Maybe Brightness)
callGetBrightnessCK = callGetBrightness clevoKeyboardConfig
:: MonadUnliftIO m
=> (Maybe Brightness -> m ())
-> SesClient
-> m ()
matchSignalCK = matchSignal clevoKeyboardConfig