
78 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Xmobar.Plugins.Common
( colorText
, startListener
, procSignalMatch
, na
, fromSingletonVariant
, withDBusClientConnection
, Callback
, Colors(..)
, displayMaybe
, displayMaybe_
, xmobarFGColor
import Data.Internal.DBus
import DBus
import DBus.Client
import RIO
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog (xmobarColor)
-- use string here since all the callbacks in xmobar use strings :(
type Callback = String -> IO ()
data Colors = Colors
{ colorsOn :: T.Text
, colorsOff :: T.Text
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
startListener :: (MonadIO m, SafeClient c, IsVariant a) => MatchRule -> (c -> m [Variant])
-> ([Variant] -> SignalMatch a) -> (a -> IO T.Text) -> Callback
-> c -> m ()
startListener rule getProp fromSignal toColor cb client = do
reply <- getProp client
displayMaybe cb (liftIO . toColor) $ fromSingletonVariant reply
void $ addMatchCallback rule (procMatch . fromSignal) client
procMatch = procSignalMatch cb toColor
:: Callback
-> (a -> IO T.Text)
-> SignalMatch a
-> IO ()
procSignalMatch cb f = withSignalMatch (displayMaybe cb f)
colorText :: Colors -> Bool -> T.Text -> T.Text
colorText Colors { colorsOn = c } True = xmobarFGColor c
colorText Colors { colorsOff = c } False = xmobarFGColor c
xmobarFGColor :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text
xmobarFGColor c = T.pack . xmobarColor (T.unpack c) "" . T.unpack
na :: T.Text
na = "N/A"
displayMaybe :: (MonadIO m) => Callback -> (a -> m T.Text) -> Maybe a -> m ()
displayMaybe cb f = (liftIO . cb . T.unpack) <=< maybe (return na) f
displayMaybe_ :: MonadIO m => Callback -> (a -> m ()) -> Maybe a -> m ()
displayMaybe_ cb = maybe (liftIO $ cb $ T.unpack na)
:: (SafeClient c)
=> Callback
-> (c -> RIO SimpleApp ())
-> IO ()
withDBusClientConnection cb f = do
-- TODO be more sophisticated
runSimpleApp $ withDBusClient_ $ displayMaybe_ cb f . Just