
171 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- Random IO-ish functions used throughtout xmonad
-- Most (probably all) of these functions are intended to work with sysfs where
-- some safe assumptions can be made about file contents.
module XMonad.Internal.IO
( readInt
, readBool
, readPercent
, writeInt
, writeBool
, writePercent
, writePercentMin
, writePercentMax
, decPercent
, incPercent
-- , isReadable
-- , isWritable
, PermResult (..)
, getPermissionsSafe
, waitUntilExit
import Data.Char
import RIO
import RIO.Directory
import RIO.FilePath
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import System.IO.Error
import System.Process
-- read
readInt :: MonadIO m => (Read a, Integral a) => FilePath -> m a
readInt = fmap (read . takeWhile isDigit . T.unpack) . readFileUtf8
readBool :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m Bool
readBool = fmap (== (1 :: Int)) . readInt
-- write
writeInt :: MonadIO m => (Show a, Integral a) => FilePath -> a -> m ()
writeInt f = writeFileUtf8 f . T.pack . show
writeBool :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> Bool -> m ()
writeBool f b = writeInt f ((if b then 1 else 0) :: Int)
-- percent-based read/write
-- "Raw" values are whatever is stored in sysfs and "percent" is the user-facing
-- value. Assume that the file being read has a min of 0 and an unchanging max
-- given by a runtime argument, which is scaled linearly to the range 0-100
-- (percent).
rawToPercent :: (Integral a, Integral b, Read b, RealFrac c) => (a, a) -> b -> c
rawToPercent (lower, upper) raw =
100 * (fromIntegral raw - fromIntegral lower) / fromIntegral (upper - lower)
-- rawToPercent upper raw = 100 * fromIntegral raw / fromIntegral upper
readPercent :: MonadIO m => (Integral a, RealFrac b) => (a, a) -> FilePath -> m b
readPercent bounds path = do
i <- readInt path
return $ rawToPercent bounds (i :: Integer)
percentToRaw :: (Integral a, RealFrac b, Integral c) => (a, a) -> b -> c
percentToRaw (lower, upper) perc =
round $
fromIntegral lower + perc / 100.0 * (fromIntegral upper - fromIntegral lower)
:: (MonadIO m, Integral a, RealFrac b)
=> (a, a)
-> FilePath
-> b
-> m b
writePercent bounds path perc = do
let t
| perc > 100 = 100
| perc < 0 = 0
| otherwise = perc
writeInt path (percentToRaw bounds t :: Int)
return t
:: (MonadIO m, Integral a, RealFrac b)
=> (a, a)
-> FilePath
-> m b
writePercentMin bounds path = writePercent bounds path 0
:: (MonadIO m, Integral a, RealFrac b)
=> (a, a)
-> FilePath
-> m b
writePercentMax bounds path = writePercent bounds path 100
:: (MonadIO m, Integral a, RealFrac b)
=> (b -> b -> b)
-> Int
-> FilePath
-> (a, a)
-> m b
shiftPercent f steps path bounds =
writePercent bounds path . f stepsize
=<< readPercent bounds path
stepsize = 100 / fromIntegral steps
:: (MonadIO m, Integral a, RealFrac b)
=> Int
-> FilePath
-> (a, a)
-> m b
incPercent = shiftPercent (+)
:: (MonadIO m, Integral a, RealFrac b)
=> Int
-> FilePath
-> (a, a)
-> m b
decPercent = shiftPercent subtract -- silly (-) operator thingy error
-- permission query
data PermResult a = PermResult a | NotFoundError | PermError
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- instance Functor PermResult where
-- fmap f (PermResult r) = PermResult $ f r
-- fmap _ NotFoundError = NotFoundError
-- fmap _ PermError = PermError
getPermissionsSafe :: MonadUnliftIO m => FilePath -> m (PermResult Permissions)
getPermissionsSafe f = do
r <- tryIO $ getPermissions f
return $ case r of
Right z -> PermResult z
Left (isPermissionError -> True) -> PermError
Left (isDoesNotExistError -> True) -> NotFoundError
-- the above error should be the only ones thrown by getPermission,
-- so the catchall case should never happen
_ -> error "Unknown permission error"
-- isReadable :: FilePath -> IO (PermResult Bool)
-- isReadable = fmap (fmap readable) . getPermissionsSafe
-- isWritable :: FilePath -> IO (PermResult Bool)
-- isWritable = fmap (fmap writable) . getPermissionsSafe
-- | Block until a PID has exited.
-- Use this to control flow based on a process that was not explicitly started
-- by the Haskell runtime itself, and thus has no data structures to query.
waitUntilExit :: (MonadIO m) => Pid -> m ()
waitUntilExit pid = do
res <- doesDirectoryExist $ "/proc" </> show pid
when res $ do
threadDelay 100000
waitUntilExit pid