
61 lines
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-- | Functions for formatting and sending notifications
-- NOTE I use the DBus.Notify lib even though I don't actually use the DBus for
-- notifications (just formation them into 'notify-send' commands and spawn a
-- shell since that works more consistently with my current commands). If I ever
-- decide to switch to using the DBus it will be easy.
module XMonad.Internal.Notify
( Note(..)
, Body(..)
, defNote
, defNoteInfo
, defNoteError
, fmtNotifyCmd
, spawnNotify
) where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Maybe
import DBus.Notify
import XMonad.Internal.Shell
-- | Some nice default notes
defNote :: Note
defNote = blankNote { summary = "\"xmonad\"" }
defNoteInfo :: Note
defNoteInfo = defNote
{ appImage = Just $ Icon "dialog-information-symbolic" }
defNoteError :: Note
defNoteError = defNote
{ appImage = Just $ Icon "dialog-error-symbolic" }
-- | Format a 'notify-send' command to be send to the shell
parseBody :: Body -> Maybe String
parseBody (Text s) = Just s
parseBody _ = Nothing
fmtNotifyCmd :: Note -> String
fmtNotifyCmd = fmtCmd "notify-send" . fmtNotifyArgs
spawnNotify :: MonadIO m => Note -> m ()
spawnNotify = spawnCmd "notify-send" . fmtNotifyArgs
fmtNotifyArgs :: Note -> [String]
fmtNotifyArgs n = getIcon n ++ getSummary n ++ getBody n
-- TODO add the rest of the options as needed
getSummary = (:[]) . doubleQuote . summary
getIcon n' = maybe [] (\i -> ["-i", case i of { Icon s -> s; File s -> s }])
$ appImage n'
getBody n' = maybeToList $ (fmap doubleQuote . parseBody) =<< body n'