
154 lines
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-- | Dmenu (Rofi) Commands
module XMonad.Internal.Command.DMenu
( runCmdMenu
, runAppMenu
, runClipMenu
, runWinMenu
, runNetMenu
, runDevMenu
, runBwMenu
, runVPNMenu
, runBTMenu
, runShowKeys
, runAutorandrMenu
) where
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Graphics.X11.Types
import System.Directory (XdgDirectory (..), getXdgDirectory)
import System.IO
import XMonad.Core hiding (spawn)
import XMonad.Internal.Dependency
import XMonad.Internal.Notify
import XMonad.Internal.Process
import XMonad.Internal.Shell
import XMonad.Util.NamedActions
-- | DMenu executables
myDmenuCmd :: String
myDmenuCmd = "rofi"
myDmenuDevices :: String
myDmenuDevices = "rofi-dev"
myDmenuPasswords :: String
myDmenuPasswords = "rofi-bw"
myDmenuBluetooth :: String
myDmenuBluetooth = "rofi-bt"
myDmenuVPN :: String
myDmenuVPN = "rofi-evpn"
myDmenuMonitors :: String
myDmenuMonitors = "rofi-autorandr"
myDmenuNetworks :: String
myDmenuNetworks = "networkmanager_dmenu"
-- | Other internal functions
spawnDmenuCmd :: String -> [String] -> SometimesX
spawnDmenuCmd n = sometimesExeArgs n True myDmenuCmd
themeArgs :: String -> [String]
themeArgs hexColor =
[ "-theme-str"
, "'#element.selected.normal { background-color: " ++ hexColor ++ "; }'"
myDmenuMatchingArgs :: [String]
myDmenuMatchingArgs = ["-i"] -- case insensitivity
-- | Exported Commands
runDevMenu :: SometimesX
runDevMenu = sometimesIO "device manager" (Only $ Executable False myDmenuDevices) $ do
c <- io $ getXdgDirectory XdgConfig "rofi/devices.yml"
spawnCmd myDmenuDevices
$ ["-c", c]
++ "--" : themeArgs "#999933"
++ myDmenuMatchingArgs
runBTMenu :: SometimesX
runBTMenu = sometimesExeArgs "bluetooth selector" False myDmenuBluetooth
$ "-c":themeArgs "#0044bb"
runBwMenu :: SometimesX
runBwMenu = sometimesIO "password manager" (Only $ Executable False myDmenuPasswords) $
spawnCmd myDmenuPasswords $ ["-c"] ++ themeArgs "#bb6600" ++ myDmenuMatchingArgs
runVPNMenu :: SometimesX
runVPNMenu = sometimesIO "VPN selector" (Only $ Executable False myDmenuVPN) $
spawnCmd myDmenuVPN $ ["-c"] ++ themeArgs "#007766" ++ myDmenuMatchingArgs
-- runShowKeys :: [((KeyMask, KeySym), NamedAction)] -> NamedAction
-- runShowKeys x = addName "Show Keybindings" $ do
-- s <- io $ evalFeature $ runDMenuShowKeys x
-- ifSatisfied s
-- $ spawnNotify
-- $ defNoteError { body = Just $ Text "could not display keymap" }
-- TODO not sure what to do with this yet
runShowKeys :: [((KeyMask, KeySym), NamedAction)] -> NamedAction
runShowKeys _ = NamedAction (skip :: (X ()))
-- addName "Show Keybindings" $ evalAlways $ runDMenuShowKeys x
runDMenuShowKeys :: [((KeyMask, KeySym), NamedAction)] -> AlwaysX
runDMenuShowKeys kbs =
Option (runDMenuShowKeys' kbs) (Always runNotifyShowKeys)
runNotifyShowKeys :: X ()
runNotifyShowKeys = spawnNotify
$ defNoteError { body = Just $ Text "could not display keymap" }
runDMenuShowKeys' :: [((KeyMask, KeySym), NamedAction)] -> Subfeature (X ()) Tree
runDMenuShowKeys' kbs = Subfeature
{ sfName = "keyboard shortcut menu"
, sfTree = IOTree (Standalone act) deps
, sfLevel = Warn
deps = Only $ Executable True myDmenuCmd
act = io $ do
(h, _, _, _) <- createProcess' $ (shell' cmd) { std_in = CreatePipe }
forM_ h $ \h' -> hPutStr h' (unlines $ showKm kbs) >> hClose h'
cmd = fmtCmd myDmenuCmd $ ["-dmenu", "-p", "commands"]
++ themeArgs "#7f66ff" ++ myDmenuMatchingArgs
runCmdMenu :: SometimesX
runCmdMenu = spawnDmenuCmd "command menu" ["-show", "run"]
runAppMenu :: SometimesX
runAppMenu = spawnDmenuCmd "app launcher" ["-show", "drun"]
runClipMenu :: SometimesX
runClipMenu = sometimesIO "clipboard manager" deps act
act = spawnCmd myDmenuCmd args
deps = toAnd (Executable True myDmenuCmd) (Executable True "greenclip")
args = [ "-modi", "\"clipboard:greenclip print\""
, "-show", "clipboard"
, "-run-command", "'{cmd}'"
] ++ themeArgs "#00c44e"
runWinMenu :: SometimesX
runWinMenu = spawnDmenuCmd "window switcher" ["-show", "window"]
runNetMenu :: SometimesX
runNetMenu =
sometimesExeArgs "network control menu" True myDmenuNetworks $ themeArgs "#ff3333"
runAutorandrMenu :: SometimesX
runAutorandrMenu =
sometimesExeArgs "autorandr menu" True myDmenuMonitors $ themeArgs "#ff0066"