
328 lines
8.6 KiB

module Main (main) where
-- | Xmobar binary
-- Features:
-- * Uses the 'UnsafeStdinReader' to receive the current workspace/layout config
-- from xmonad
-- * FontAwesome and Symbol fonts for icons
-- * Some custom plugins (imported below)
-- * Theme integration with xmonad (shared module imported below)
-- * A custom Locks plugin from my own forked repo
import Control.Monad (filterM)
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import DBus
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.IO.Error
import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode)
import Xmobar.Plugins.Bluetooth
import Xmobar.Plugins.Device
import Xmobar.Plugins.IntelBacklight
import Xmobar.Plugins.Screensaver
import Xmobar.Plugins.VPN
import XMonad (getXMonadDir)
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog (wrap, xmobarColor)
import XMonad.Internal.DBus.Common (xmonadBus)
import XMonad.Internal.DBus.Control (pathExists)
import XMonad.Internal.DBus.IntelBacklight (blPath)
import XMonad.Internal.DBus.Screensaver (ssPath)
import qualified XMonad.Internal.Theme as T
import Xmobar
sep :: String
sep = xmobarColor T.backdropFgColor "" " : "
lSep :: Char
lSep = '}'
rSep :: Char
rSep = '{'
pSep :: String
pSep = "%"
data BarRegions = BarRegions
{ brLeft :: [CmdSpec]
, brCenter :: [CmdSpec]
, brRight :: [CmdSpec]
} deriving Show
data CmdSpec = CmdSpec
{ csAlias :: String
, csDepends :: Maybe DBusDepends
, csRunnable :: Runnable
} deriving Show
data DBusDepends = DBusDepends
{ ddBus :: BusName
, ddPath :: ObjectPath
, ddSys :: Bool
} deriving Show
sysDepends :: BusName -> ObjectPath -> DBusDepends
sysDepends b p = DBusDepends b p True
sesDepends :: BusName -> ObjectPath -> DBusDepends
sesDepends b p = DBusDepends b p False
concatRegions :: BarRegions -> [CmdSpec]
concatRegions (BarRegions l c r) = l ++ c ++ r
mapRegionsM :: Monad m => ([CmdSpec] -> m [CmdSpec]) -> BarRegions -> m BarRegions
mapRegionsM f (BarRegions l c r) = do
l' <- f l
c' <- f c
r' <- f r
return $ BarRegions l' c' r'
filterSpecs :: [CmdSpec] -> IO [CmdSpec]
filterSpecs = filterM (maybe (return True) exists . csDepends)
exists DBusDepends { ddBus = b, ddPath = p, ddSys = s } = pathExists s b p
sysfsNet :: FilePath
sysfsNet = "/sys/class/net"
wirelessCmd :: String -> CmdSpec
wirelessCmd iface = CmdSpec
{ csAlias = iface ++ "wi"
, csDepends = Nothing
, csRunnable = Run
$ Wireless iface
[ "-t", "<qualityipat><essid>"
, "--"
, "--quality-icon-pattern", "<icon=wifi_%%.xpm/>"
] 5
ethernetCmd :: String -> CmdSpec
ethernetCmd iface = CmdSpec
{ csAlias = iface
, csDepends = Just $ sysDepends devBus devPath
, csRunnable = Run
$ Device (iface, "<fn=2>\xf0e8</fn>", T.fgColor, T.backdropFgColor) 5
isWireless :: String -> Bool
isWireless ('w':'l':_) = True
isWireless _ = False
isEthernet :: String -> Bool
isEthernet ('e':'n':_) = True
isEthernet _ = False
listInterfaces :: IO [String]
listInterfaces = fromRight [] <$> tryIOError (listDirectory sysfsNet)
getWireless :: IO (Maybe CmdSpec)
getWireless = do
ns <- filter isWireless <$> listInterfaces
return $ case ns of
[n] -> Just $ wirelessCmd n
_ -> Nothing
getEthernet :: IO (Maybe CmdSpec)
getEthernet = do
ns <- filter isEthernet <$> listInterfaces
return $ case ns of
[n] -> Just $ ethernetCmd n
_ -> Nothing
vpnCmd :: CmdSpec
vpnCmd = CmdSpec
{ csAlias = vpnAlias
, csDepends = Just $ sysDepends vpnBus vpnPath
, csRunnable = Run
$ VPN ("<fn=2>\xf023</fn>", T.fgColor, T.backdropFgColor) 5
getVPN :: IO (Maybe CmdSpec)
getVPN = do
-- TODO ensure nmcli exists (or guard against an exception if it doesn't)
(ec, out, _) <- readProcessWithExitCode "nmcli" args ""
return $ case ec of
ExitSuccess -> if "vpn" `elem` lines out then Just vpnCmd else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
args = ["-c", "no", "-t", "-f", "TYPE", "c", "show"]
myCommands :: IO BarRegions
myCommands = do
wirelessSpec <- getWireless
ethernetSpec <- getEthernet
vpnSpec <- getVPN
let left =
[ CmdSpec
{ csAlias = "UnsafeStdinReader"
, csDepends = Nothing
, csRunnable = Run UnsafeStdinReader
let right =
[ wirelessSpec
, ethernetSpec
, vpnSpec
, Just $ CmdSpec
{ csAlias = btAlias
, csDepends = Just $ sysDepends btBus btPath
, csRunnable = Run
$ Bluetooth ("<fn=2>\xf293</fn>", T.fgColor, T.backdropFgColor) 5
, Just $ CmdSpec
{ csAlias = "alsa:default:Master"
, csDepends = Nothing
, csRunnable = Run
$ Alsa "default" "Master"
[ "-t", "<status><volume>%"
, "--"
, "-O", "<fn=1>\xf028</fn>"
, "-o", "<fn=1>\xf026 </fn>"
, "-c", T.fgColor
, "-C", T.fgColor
, Just $ CmdSpec
{ csAlias = "battery"
, csDepends = Nothing
, csRunnable = Run
$ Battery
[ "--template", "<acstatus><left>"
, "--Low", "10"
, "--High", "80"
, "--low", "red"
, "--normal", T.fgColor
, "--high", T.fgColor
, "--"
, "-P"
, "-o" , "<fn=1>\xf0e7</fn>"
, "-O" , "<fn=1>\xf1e6</fn>"
, "-i" , "<fn=1>\xf1e6</fn>"
] 50
, Just $ CmdSpec
{ csAlias = "intelbacklight"
, csDepends = Just $ sesDepends xmonadBus blPath
, csRunnable = Run $ IntelBacklight "<fn=1>\xf185</fn>"
, Just $ CmdSpec
{ csAlias = ssAlias
, csDepends = Just $ sesDepends xmonadBus ssPath
, csRunnable = Run
$ Screensaver ("<fn=1>\xf254</fn>", T.fgColor, T.backdropFgColor)
, Just $ CmdSpec
{ csAlias = "locks"
, csDepends = Nothing
, csRunnable = Run
$ Locks
[ "-N", "<fn=3>\x1f13d</fn>"
, "-n", xmobarColor T.backdropFgColor "" "<fn=3>\x1f13d</fn>"
, "-C", "<fn=3>\x1f132</fn>"
, "-c", xmobarColor T.backdropFgColor "" "<fn=3>\x1f132</fn>"
, "-s", ""
, "-S", ""
, "-d", "<fn=3> </fn>"
, Just $ CmdSpec
{ csAlias = "date"
, csDepends = Nothing
, csRunnable = Run $ Date "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S " "date" 10
return $ BarRegions
{ brLeft = left
, brCenter = []
, brRight = catMaybes right
fmtSpecs :: [CmdSpec] -> String
fmtSpecs = intercalate sep . fmap go
go CmdSpec { csAlias = a } = wrap pSep pSep a
fmtRegions :: BarRegions -> String
fmtRegions BarRegions { brLeft = l, brCenter = c, brRight = r } =
fmtSpecs l ++ [lSep] ++ fmtSpecs c ++ [rSep] ++ fmtSpecs r
barFont :: String
barFont = T.fmtFontXFT T.font
{ T.family = "DejaVu Sans Mono"
, T.size = Just 11
, T.weight = Just T.Bold
iconFont :: String
iconFont = T.fmtFontXFT T.font
{ T.family = "FontAwesome"
, T.size = Nothing
, T.pixelsize = Just 13
iconFontLarge :: String
iconFontLarge = T.fmtFontXFT T.font
{ T.family = "FontAwesome"
, T.size = Nothing
, T.pixelsize = Just 15
blockFont :: String
blockFont = T.fmtFontXFT T.font
{ T.family = "Symbola"
, T.size = Just 13
, T.weight = Just T.Bold
config :: BarRegions -> String -> Config
config br confDir = defaultConfig
{ font = barFont
, additionalFonts = [ iconFont, iconFontLarge, blockFont ]
, textOffset = 16
, textOffsets = [ 16, 17, 17 ]
, bgColor = T.bgColor
, fgColor = T.fgColor
, position = BottomSize C 100 24
, border = NoBorder
, borderColor = T.bordersColor
, sepChar = pSep
, alignSep = [lSep, rSep]
, template = fmtRegions br
, lowerOnStart = False
, hideOnStart = False
, allDesktops = True
, overrideRedirect = True
, pickBroadest = False
, persistent = True
-- store the icons with the xmonad/xmobar stack project
, iconRoot = confDir ++ "/icons"
, commands = csRunnable <$> concatRegions br
main :: IO ()
main = do
br <- mapRegionsM filterSpecs =<< myCommands
dir <- getXMonadDir
xmobar $ config br dir