
467 lines
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2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let Vector2 = \(a : Type) -> { x : a, y : a }
let Point = Vector2 Natural
let Margin = Vector2 Natural
2022-08-11 00:05:06 -04:00
let FSPath = { name : Text, path : Text }
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
let TextGeo =
Defines text dimensions for multiline visuals
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
text_spacing: gap between lines of text
{ Type = { text_spacing : Natural }, default.text_spacing = 20 }
let SepGeo =
Defines separator dimensions
sep_spacing: gap between the separator and either above or below
{ Type = { sep_spacing : Natural }, default.sep_spacing = 20 }
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
let PlotGeo =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines plot dimensions
sec_break: gap between the plot label and the plot itself
height: height of the plot (without the label)
ticks_y: number of ticks on the y axis
{ Type = { sec_break : Natural, height : Natural, ticks_y : Natural }
, default = { sec_break = 20, height = 56, ticks_y = 4 }
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
let PlotGeo_ = { Type = { plot : PlotGeo.Type }, default.plot = PlotGeo::{=} }
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
let TableGeo =
Defines table dimensions
sec_break: spacing between header and the first table row
{ Type = { sec_break : Natural }, default.sec_break = 20 }
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
let TableGeo_ =
{ Type = { table : TableGeo.Type }, default.table = TableGeo::{=} }
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
let FSGeo =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Filesystem module dimensions
bar_spacing: spacing between percent usage bars
bar_pad: spacing between usage bars and the left edge of the panel
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
{ Type = { bar_spacing : Natural, bar_pad : Natural } //\\ SepGeo.Type
, default = { bar_spacing = 20, bar_pad = 100 } /\ SepGeo::{=}
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
let GfxGeo =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Graphics module dimensions
See PlotGeo, TextGeo, and SepGeo for options included here
{ Type = SepGeo.Type //\\ PlotGeo_.Type //\\ TextGeo.Type
, default = SepGeo::{=} /\ PlotGeo_::{=} /\ TextGeo::{=}
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
let MemGeo =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Memory module dimensions
See PlotGeo, TextGeo, and TableGeo for options included here
{ Type = TextGeo.Type //\\ PlotGeo_.Type //\\ TableGeo_.Type
, default = TextGeo::{=} /\ PlotGeo_::{=} /\ TableGeo_::{=}
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
let ProcGeo =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Processor module dimensions
See GfxGeo and TableGeo for options included here
{ Type = GfxGeo.Type //\\ TableGeo_.Type
, default = GfxGeo::{=} /\ TableGeo_::{=}
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
let PwrGeo =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Processor module dimensions
See TextGeo and PlotGeo for options included here
{ Type = TextGeo.Type //\\ PlotGeo_.Type
, default = TextGeo::{=} /\ PlotGeo_::{=}
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
let AllGeo =
{ TextGeo, PlotGeo, TableGeo, FSGeo, GfxGeo, MemGeo, ProcGeo, PwrGeo }
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
let FileSystem =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Filesystem module configuration
show_smart: show SMART daemon indicator
show_seafile: show seafile daemon indicator
fs_paths: list of filesystem paths to monitor for percent usage
geometry: dimensional data for this module
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
{ Type =
2023-01-08 12:12:57 -05:00
{ show_smart : Bool
, show_seafile : Bool
, fs_paths : List FSPath
, geometry : FSGeo.Type
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
, default.geometry = FSGeo::{=}
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let Graphics =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Graphics module configuration
dev_power: show a power indicator
show_temp: show temperature in celsius
show_clock: show clock speed
show_gpu_util: show percent utilization
show_mem_util: show percent memory utilized
show_vid_util: show percent video utilized
geometry: dimensional configuration for this module
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
{ Type =
{ dev_power : Text
, show_temp : Bool
, show_clock : Bool
, show_gpu_util : Bool
, show_mem_util : Bool
, show_vid_util : Bool
, geometry : GfxGeo.Type
, default.geometry = GfxGeo::{=}
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let Memory =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Memory module configuration
show_stats: show total memory gauge, cache, buffers, shared, and slab
show_plot: show memory utilization plot
show_swap: show swap utilization gauge (only if 'show_stats' is true)
table_rows: top processes by memory to display in table (max 10)
geometry: dimensional configuration for this module
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
{ Type =
{ show_stats : Bool
, show_plot : Bool
, show_swap : Bool
, table_rows : Natural
, geometry : MemGeo.Type
, default.geometry = MemGeo::{=}
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
let Network =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Network module configuration
geometry: dimensional configuration for this module
{ Type = { geometry : PlotGeo_.Type }, default.geometry = PlotGeo_::{=} }
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
let CoreGroup =
Defines a processor group for the Processor module
threads: the number of threads for each core in this group (usually 1 or 2)
rows: the number of rows over which to display the cores in this group
padding: the spacing to the left and right of the gauges in this group
{ threads : Natural, rows : Natural, padding : Natural }
2023-09-26 00:55:39 -04:00
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let Processor =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Network module configuration
core_groups: a list of core groups to display
show_stats: show frequency for each core group and HWP status
show_plot: show percent utilization plot
table_rows: top processes by cpu percent to display in table (max 10)
geometry: dimensional configuration for this module
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
{ Type =
2023-09-26 00:55:39 -04:00
{ core_groups : List CoreGroup
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
, show_stats : Bool
, show_plot : Bool
, table_rows : Natural
, geometry : ProcGeo.Type
, default.geometry = ProcGeo::{=}
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
let Pacman =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Pacman module configuration
geometry: dimensional configuration for this module
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
{ Type = { geometry : TextGeo.Type }, default.geometry = TextGeo::{=} }
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
let RaplSpec =
Defines a RAPL endpoint to display in the Power module
name: nice name to display above plot
address: sysfs address to the directory containing the 'energy_uj' file
{ name : Text, address : Text }
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
let Power =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Power module configuration
battery: sysfs path to the battery to display
rapl_specs: list of RAPL endpoints to display
geometry: dimensional configuration for this module
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
{ Type =
{ battery : Text, rapl_specs : List RaplSpec, geometry : PwrGeo.Type }
, default.geometry = PwrGeo::{=}
let ReadWrite =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines ReadWrite module configuration
geometry: dimensional configuration for this module
{ Type = { devices : List Text, geometry : PlotGeo_.Type }
, default.geometry = PlotGeo_::{=}
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
let System =
Defines System module configuration
geometry: dimensional configuration for this module
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let AllModules =
{ FileSystem
, Graphics
, Memory
, Network
, Pacman
, Power
, Processor
, ReadWrite
, System
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let ModType =
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
< filesystem : FileSystem.Type
| graphics : Graphics.Type
| memory : Memory.Type
| network : Network.Type
| pacman : Pacman.Type
| processor : Processor.Type
| power : Power.Type
| readwrite : ReadWrite.Type
| system : System.Type
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let Annotated = \(a : Type) -> { type : Text, data : a }
let Block = < Pad : Natural | Mod : Annotated ModType >
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
2022-08-11 00:27:16 -04:00
let Column_ = { blocks : List Block, width : Natural }
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
2022-08-11 00:27:16 -04:00
let Column = < CPad : Natural | CCol : Column_ >
let Panel_ = { columns : List Column, margins : Margin }
let Panel = < PPad : Natural | PPanel : Panel_ >
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let Layout = { anchor : Point, panels : List Panel }
let Sizes =
{ Type =
{ normal : Natural
, plot_label : Natural
, table : Natural
, header : Natural
, default = { normal = 13, plot_label = 8, table = 11, header = 15 }
let Font =
{ Type = { family : Text, sizes : Sizes.Type }
, default = { family = "Neuropolitical", sizes = Sizes::{=} }
let PlotGeometry =
2022-08-16 23:53:45 -04:00
{ Type = { seconds : Natural, ticks_x : Natural }
, default = { seconds = 90, ticks_x = 9 }
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let TableGeometry =
{ Type =
{ name_chars : Natural
, padding : Margin
, header_padding : Natural
, row_spacing : Natural
, default =
{ name_chars = 8
, padding = { x = 6, y = 15 }
, header_padding = 20
2022-08-11 00:27:16 -04:00
, row_spacing = 16
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let HeaderGeometry =
{ Type = { underline_offset : Natural, padding : Natural }
, default = { underline_offset = 26, padding = 19 }
let Geometry =
{ Type =
{ plot : PlotGeometry.Type
, table : TableGeometry.Type
, header : HeaderGeometry.Type
, default =
{ plot = PlotGeometry::{=}
, table = TableGeometry::{=}
, header = HeaderGeometry::{=}
let StopRGB = { color : Natural, stop : Double }
let StopRGBA = { color : Natural, stop : Double, alpha : Double }
let ColorAlpha = { color : Natural, alpha : Double }
let Pattern =
< RGB : Natural
| RGBA : ColorAlpha
| GradientRGB : List StopRGB
| GradientRGBA : List StopRGBA
let annotatePattern =
\(a : Pattern) ->
{ type = showConstructor a, data = a } : Annotated Pattern
let mod = \(a : ModType) -> Block.Mod { type = showConstructor a, data = a }
let APattern = Annotated Pattern
let symGradient =
\(c0 : Natural) ->
\(c1 : Natural) ->
( Pattern.GradientRGB
[ { color = c0, stop = 0.0 }
, { color = c1, stop = 0.5 }
, { color = c0, stop = 1.0 }
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let Patterns =
{ Type =
{ header : APattern
, panel : { bg : APattern }
, text :
{ active : APattern, inactive : APattern, critical : APattern }
, border : APattern
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
, plot :
{ grid : APattern
, outline : APattern
, data : { border : APattern, fill : APattern }
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
, indicator :
{ bg : APattern, fg : { active : APattern, critical : APattern } }
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
, default =
{ header = annotatePattern (Pattern.RGB 0xefefef)
= annotatePattern (Pattern.RGBA { color = 0x121212, alpha = 0.7 })
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
, text =
{ active = annotatePattern (Pattern.RGB 0xbfe1ff)
, inactive = annotatePattern (Pattern.RGB 0xc8c8c8)
, critical = annotatePattern (Pattern.RGB 0xff8282)
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
, border = annotatePattern (Pattern.RGB 0x888888)
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
, plot =
{ grid = annotatePattern (Pattern.RGB 0x666666)
, outline = annotatePattern (Pattern.RGB 0x777777)
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
, data =
{ border =
( Pattern.GradientRGB
[ { color = 0x003f7c, stop = 0.0 }
, { color = 0x1e90ff, stop = 1.0 }
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
, fill =
( Pattern.GradientRGBA
[ { color = 0x316ece, stop = 0.2, alpha = 0.5 }
, { color = 0x8cc7ff, stop = 1.0, alpha = 1.0 }
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
, indicator =
{ bg = symGradient 0x565656 0xbfbfbf
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
, fg =
{ active = symGradient 0x316BA6 0x99CEFF
, critical = symGradient 0xFF3333 0xFFB8B8
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let Theme =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines the theme for displaying the window
font: the font to use
geometry: the global dimensions to use for each panel and widget (for
everything not define by individual modules)
patterns: colors and gradient definitions
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
{ Type =
{ font : Font.Type
, geometry : Geometry.Type
, patterns : Patterns.Type
, default =
{ font = Font::{=}, geometry = Geometry::{=}, patterns = Patterns::{=} }
2022-08-11 00:05:06 -04:00
let Bootstrap = { update_interval : Natural, dimensions : Point }
let Config = { bootstrap : Bootstrap, theme : Theme.Type, layout : Layout }
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
2022-08-11 00:05:06 -04:00
let toConfig =
\(i : Natural) ->
\(x : Natural) ->
\(y : Natural) ->
2022-08-11 00:05:06 -04:00
\(t : Theme.Type) ->
\(l : Layout) ->
{ bootstrap = { update_interval = i, dimensions = { x, y } }
2022-08-11 00:05:06 -04:00
, theme = t
, layout = l
: Config
in { toConfig, Block, Column, ModType, Layout, Panel, FSPath, Theme, mod }
/\ AllModules
/\ AllGeo