
53 KiB

work in progress


remove garbage

startup screen

(setq inhibit-startup-screen t)

useless mouse widgets

(tool-bar-mode -1)
(menu-bar-mode -1)
(scroll-bar-mode -1)

line wrap

(set-default 'truncate-lines t)

autosave/backup files

  (setq make-backup-files nil)
  (setq auto-save-default nil)

popup windows

(setq pop-up-windows nil) ; no popups (eg ediff)

pretty stuff

enable line/column numbering

;; (global-linum-mode t)
(line-number-mode 1)
(column-number-mode 1)

tab width

(setq-default tab-width 4)

smooth scrolling

(setq scroll-conservatively 100)

pretty symbols

  (add-hook 'ess-mode-hook #'prettify-symbols-mode)
  (add-hook 'inferior-ess-mode-hook #'prettify-symbols-mode)
  (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'prettify-symbols-mode)

yes-no prompt enhancement

(defalias 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p) ; eliminate yes or no prompt on killing procs

theme customizations

;; for spacemacs theme
(setq spacemacs-theme-custom-colors '((lnum . "#64707c")))

theme color selection

need this to:

  1. apply the gui theme if gui is loaded as client and
  2. ensure that the reloaded theme is only applied to the current frame

NOTE: this only works if we start term after gui, and term has light bg. not big deal for now since I hardly ever use term as client

  (defvar my:theme 'spacemacs-dark)
  (defvar my:theme-window-loaded nil)
  (defvar my:theme-terminal-loaded nil)
  (if (daemonp)
      (add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions(lambda (frame)
                                             (select-frame frame)
                                             (if (window-system frame)
                                                 (unless my:theme-window-loaded
                                                   (if my:theme-terminal-loaded
                                                       (enable-theme my:theme)
                                                     (load-theme my:theme t))
                                                   (setq my:theme-window-loaded t))
                                               (unless my:theme-terminal-loaded
                                                 (if my:theme-window-loaded
                                                     (enable-theme my:theme)
                                                   (load-theme my:theme t))
                                                 (setq my:theme-terminal-loaded t)))))
      (load-theme my:theme t)
      (if (display-graphic-p)
          (setq my:theme-window-loaded t)
        (setq my:theme-terminal-loaded t))))




(use-package delight
  :ensure t)


(use-package beacon
  :ensure t
  (beacon-mode 1))


(use-package which-key
  :ensure t


(use-package helm
  :ensure t
  (helm-mode 1)
  (helm-autoresize-max-height 0)
  (helm-autoresize-max-height 40)
  (helm-M-x-fuzzy-match t)
  (helm-buffers-fuzzy-matching t)
  (helm-recentf-fuzzy-match t)
  (helm-semantic-fuzzy-match t)
  (helm-imenu-fuzzy-match t)
  (helm-scroll-amount 8)
  (add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist
               `(,(rx bos "*helm" (* not-newline) "*" eos)
                 (inhibit-same-window . t)
                 (window-height . 0.4)))

  (helm-autoresize-mode 1)
  (require 'helm-config))


(use-package rainbow-delimiters
  :ensure t
  ((prog-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)
   (inferior-ess-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)
   (ess-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)))


(use-package ace-window
  :ensure t
  (aw-background t)
  (aw-leading-char-face ((t (:foreground "#292b2e" :background "#bc6ec5":height 1.0 :box nil)))))


  (use-package avy
    :ensure t
    (avy-background t))

sudo edit

  (use-package sudo-edit
    :ensure t)


  (use-package typit
    :ensure t)


  (use-package calfw
    :ensure t)

undo tree

(use-package undo-tree
  :ensure t
  (undo-tree-visualizer-diff t)


(use-package fill-column-indicator
  :ensure t
  (fci-rule-use-dashes t)
  (prog-mode . fci-mode))


(use-package rainbow-mode
  :ensure t)


(use-package spaceline
  :ensure t
  (powerline-default-separator 'arrow)
  (spaceline-buffer-size-p nil)
  (require 'spaceline-config)


A place for duct tape code that I developed (or lovingly stole from others)


;; lovingly stolen from aaron harris
(defmacro nd/with-advice (adlist &rest body)
  "Execute BODY with temporary advice in ADLIST.

Each element of ADLIST should be a list of the form
suitable for passing to `advice-add'.  The BODY is wrapped in an
`unwind-protect' form, so the advice will be removed even in the
event of an error or nonlocal exit."
  (declare (debug ((&rest (&rest form)) body))
           (indent 1))
     ,@(mapcar (lambda (adform)
                 (cons 'advice-add adform))
     (unwind-protect (progn ,@body)
       ,@(mapcar (lambda (adform)
                   `(advice-remove ,(car adform) ,(nth 2 adform)))


(defun nd/filter-list-prefix (prefix str-list)
  "Return a subset of tags-list whose first character matches prefix.'
  tags-list defaults to org-tag-alist if not given"
  (seq-filter (lambda (i)
                (and (stringp i)
                     (string-prefix-p prefix i)))


(defun nd/split-and-follow-horizontally ()
  (other-window 1))

(defun nd/split-and-follow-vertically ()
  (other-window 1))
(defun nd/switch-to-previous-buffer ()
  (switch-to-buffer (other-buffer (current-buffer) 1)))
(defun nd/config-reload ()
  "Reloads ~/.emacs.d/conf.org at runtime"
  (org-babel-load-file (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/conf.org")))

(defun nd/config-visit ()
  (find-file "~/.emacs.d/conf.org"))


(setq inferior-R-args "--quiet --no-save")
(load "ess-site")
(setq ess-history-file "session.Rhistory")
(setq ess-history-directory
	  (substitute-in-file-name "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/r/"))




;; make python tabs 4 chars
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook
      (lambda ()
        (setq indent-tabs-mode t)
        (setq tab-width 4)
        (setq python-indent 4)))


(use-package haskell-mode
  :ensure t
   "ghc -dynamic -Wall -ferror-spans -fforce-recomp -c %s"
   "enable dynamic linking by default")
  (haskell-interactive-popup-errors nil))



(setq org-startup-indented t)
(delight 'org-indent-mode)
(setq org-directory "~/Org")
(run-at-time "00:59" 3600 'org-save-all-org-buffers)
(setq org-modules '(org-habit org-protocol))
(require 'org-protocol)


(setq org-special-ctrl-a/e t)
(setq org-special-ctrl-k t)
(setq org-yank-adjusted-subtrees t)


(setq org-log-into-drawer "LOGBOOK")
(setq org-log-done t)



(use-package org-bullets
  :ensure t
  (org-mode . org-bullets-mode))

font height

The fonts in org headings bug me, make them smaller and less invasive

  (defun nd/org-ui-heading-same-font-height ()
    (let ((heading-height 1.15))
      (set-face-attribute 'org-level-1 nil :weight 'bold :height heading-height)
      (set-face-attribute 'org-level-2 nil :weight 'semi-bold :height heading-height)
      (set-face-attribute 'org-level-3 nil :weight 'normal :height heading-height)
      (set-face-attribute 'org-level-4 nil :weight 'normal :height heading-height)
      (set-face-attribute 'org-level-5 nil :weight 'normal :height heading-height)))

  (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'nd/org-ui-heading-same-font-height)

window splitting

Org mode is great and all, but the windows never show up in the right place The solutions here are simple, but have the downside that the window sizing must be changed when tags/capture templates/todo items are changed. This is because the buffer size is not known at window creation time and I didn't feel like making a function to predict it

todo selection

I only need a teeny tiny window below my current window for todo selection

(defun nd/org-todo-position (buffer alist)
  (let ((win (car (cl-delete-if-not
                   (lambda (window)
                     (with-current-buffer (window-buffer window)
                       (memq major-mode
                             '(org-mode org-agenda-mode))))
    (when win
      (let ((new (split-window win -4 'below)))
        (set-window-buffer new buffer)

(defun nd/org-todo-window-advice (orig-fn)
  "Advice to fix window placement in `org-fast-todo-selection'."
  (let  ((override '("\\*Org todo\\*" nd/org-todo-position)))
    (add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist override)
        ((#'org-switch-to-buffer-other-window :override #'pop-to-buffer))
      (unwind-protect (funcall orig-fn)
        (setq display-buffer-alist
              (delete override display-buffer-alist))))))

(advice-add #'org-fast-todo-selection :around #'nd/org-todo-window-advice)
tag selection

By default, the tag selection window obliterates all but the current window…how disorienting :/

(defun nd/org-tag-window-advice (orig-fn current inherited table &optional todo-table)
  "Advice to fix window placement in `org-fast-tags-selection'."
      ((#'delete-other-windows :override #'ignore)
       ;; pretty sure I just got lucky here...
       (#'split-window-vertically :override #'(lambda (&optional size)
                                                (split-window-below (or size -9)))))
    (unwind-protect (funcall orig-fn current inherited table todo-table))))

(advice-add #'org-fast-tag-selection :around #'nd/org-tag-window-advice)

Capture should show up in the bottom of any currently active buffer

(defun nd/org-capture-position (buffer alist)
  (let ((new (split-window (get-buffer-window) -14 'below)))
    (set-window-buffer new buffer)

(defun nd/org-capture-window-advice (orig-fn table title &optional prompt specials)
  "Advice to fix window placement in `org-capture-select-template'."
  (let  ((override '("\\*Org Select\\*" nd/org-capture-position)))
    (add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist override)
        ((#'org-switch-to-buffer-other-window :override #'pop-to-buffer))
      (unwind-protect (funcall orig-fn table title prompt specials)
        (setq display-buffer-alist
              (delete override display-buffer-alist))))))

(advice-add #'org-mks :around #'nd/org-capture-window-advice)



(setq org-src-window-setup 'current-window)
(setq org-src-fontify-natively t)
(setq org-edit-src-content-indentation 0)


(add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist
             '("el" "#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp\n?\n#+END_SRC"))

todo states


(setq org-todo-keywords
      '((sequence "TODO(t)" "NEXT(n)" "|" "DONE(d)")
        (sequence "WAIT(w@/!)" "HOLD(h@/!)" "|" "CANC(c@/!)")))


(setq org-todo-keyword-faces
      '(("TODO" :foreground "light coral" :weight bold)
        ("NEXT" :foreground "khaki" :weight bold)
        ("DONE" :foreground "light green" :weight bold)
        ("WAIT" :foreground "orange" :weight bold)
        ("HOLD" :foreground "violet" :weight bold)
        ("CANC" :foreground "deep sky blue" :weight bold)))


I use tags for agenda filtering. Very fast and simple. Each tag here starts with a symbol to define its group. Some groups are mutually exclusive, and each group has a different color. Any tag that is not part of these groups (eg some filetags in the few cases I use those) is easy to distinguish as it has the default tag color and is all caps.

There are several types of tags I use:

  • location: a GTD contexts; these start with "@"
  • tools: also a GTD contexts; these start with "#"
  • attribute: useful flags for filtering; these start with "%"
  • life areas: key areas of life which define priorities and goals; these start with "_"
(defun nd/add-tag-face (fg-name prefix)
  "Adds list of cons cells to org-tag-faces with foreground set to fg-name.
  Start and end specify the positions in org-tag-alist which define the tags
  to which the faces are applied"
  (dolist (tag (nd/filter-list-prefix prefix (mapcar #'car org-tag-alist)))
    (push `(,tag . (:foreground ,fg-name)) org-tag-faces)))

;; for some reason, most special chars don't really
;; work in org-tag-alist, only #, @, %, and _
(setq org-tag-alist
        ("@errand" . ?e)
        ("@home" . ?h)
        ("@work" . ?w)
        ("@travel" . ?r)
        ("#laptop" . ?l)
        ("#tcult" . ?t)
        ("#phone" . ?p)
        ("%note" . ?n)
        ("%inc" . ?i)
        ("%subdiv" . ?s)
        ("_env" . ?E)
        ("_fin" . ?F)
        ("_int" . ?I)
        ("_met" . ?M)
        ("_phy" . ?H)
        ("_pro" . ?P)
        ("_rec" . ?R)
        ("_soc" . ?S)

(setq org-tag-faces '())

(nd/add-tag-face "PaleGreen" "@")
(nd/add-tag-face "SkyBlue" "#")
(nd/add-tag-face "PaleGoldenrod" "%")
(nd/add-tag-face "violet" "_")


(add-to-list 'org-default-properties "PARENT_TYPE")
(add-to-list 'org-default-properties "OWNER")
(add-to-list 'org-default-properties "GOAL")
(add-to-list 'org-default-properties "TIME_SHIFT")

(setq org-global-properties
      '(("PARENT_TYPE_ALL" . "periodical iterator")
        ("Effort_ALL" . "0:05 0:15 0:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00")))

;; TODO this may not be needed
(setq org-use-property-inheritance '("PARENT_TYPE" "TIME_SHIFT"))


(let ((capfile "~/Org/capture.org"))
  (setq org-capture-templates
        `(("t" "todo" entry (file ,capfile)
		   "* TODO %?\ndeliverable: \n%U\n")

          ("n" "note" entry (file ,capfile)
		   "* %? :\\%note:\n%U\n")

          ("a" "appointment" entry (file ,capfile)
		   "* %?\n%U\n%^t\n")

          ("m" "multi-day" entry (file ,capfile)
		   "* TODO %?\n%U\n%^t--%^t\n")

          ("d" "deadline" entry (file ,capfile)
		   "* TODO %?\nDEADLINE: %^t\ndeliverable:\n%U\n")

		  ("p" "org-protocol" entry (file ,capfile)
           "* %^{Title} :\\%note:\n%u\n#+BEGIN_QUOTE\n%i\n#+END_QUOTE"
		   :immediate-finish t)

		  ("L" "org-protocol link" entry (file ,capfile)
           "* %^{Title} :\\%note:\n[[%:link][%:description]]\n%U"
		   :immediate-finish t))))



  (setq org-refile-targets (quote ((nil :maxlevel . 9)
                                   ("~/Org/reference/idea.org" :maxlevel . 9)
                                   (org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 9))))


(setq org-refile-use-outline-path t)
(setq org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil)

node creation

  (setq org-refile-allow-creating-parent-nodes 'confirm)

use current window

  (setq org-indirect-buffer-display 'current-window)

exclude done states

  (defun nd/verify-refile-target ()
    "Exclude todo keywords with a done state from refile targets"
    (not (member (nth 2 (org-heading-components)) org-done-keywords)))
  (setq org-refile-target-verify-function 'nd/verify-refile-target)


(setq org-habit-graph-column 50)



basic config

  (setq org-agenda-files '("~/Org"
  ;; (setq org-agenda-files '("~/Org/reference/agendatest.org"))
  (setq org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks nil)
  (setq org-agenda-compact-blocks t)
  (setq org-agenda-window-setup 'current-window)

holidays and birthdays

(setq holiday-bahai-holidays nil)
(setq holiday-hebrew-holidays nil)
(setq holiday-islamic-holidays nil)

task helper functions

These are the building blocks for skip functions.


Each of these returns the timestamp if found.

(defun nd/get-date-property (date-property)
  "Helper function to get the date property and convert to a number.
If it does not have a date, it will return nil."
  (let ((timestamp (org-entry-get nil date-property)))
    (if timestamp (float-time (date-to-time timestamp)))))

(defun nd/heading-compare-timestamp (timestamp-fun
									 &optional ref-time future)
  "helper function that returns the timestamp (returned by 
timestamp-fun on the current header) if timestamp is futher back in 
time compared to a ref-time (default to 0 which is now, where negative
is past an positive is future). If the future flag is set, returns 
timestamp if it is in the future compared to ref-time. Returns nil if 
no timestamp is found."
  (let* ((timestamp (funcall timestamp-fun))
        (ref-time (or ref-time 0)))
    (if (and timestamp
             (if future
                 (> (- timestamp (float-time)) ref-time)
               (<= (- timestamp (float-time)) ref-time)))

(defun nd/is-timestamped-heading-p ()
  (nd/get-date-property "TIMESTAMP"))

(defun nd/is-scheduled-heading-p ()
  (nd/get-date-property "SCHEDULED"))

(defun nd/is-deadlined-heading-p ()
  (nd/get-date-property "DEADLINE"))

(defun nd/is-closed-heading-p ()
  (nd/get-date-property "CLOSED"))

(defun nd/is-stale-heading-p ()
   (lambda () (let ((ts (org-entry-get nil "TIMESTAMP")))
		   (if (and ts (not (find ?+ ts)))
			   (float-time (date-to-time ts)))))))

(defun nd/is-fresh-heading-p ()
  (nd/heading-compare-timestamp 'nd/is-timestamped-heading-p nil t))

(defvar nd/archive-delay-days 30
  "the number of days to wait before tasks show up in the archive view")

(defun nd/is-archivable-heading-p ()
    (- (* 60 60 24 nd/archive-delay-days))))
task level testing

Each of these returns the keyword if true Doubles as a way to further test the todostate in downstream functions

  (defun nd/is-todoitem-p ()
    (let ((keyword (nth 2 (org-heading-components))))
      (if (member keyword org-todo-keywords-1)

  (defun nd/is-project-p ()
    (and (nd/heading-has-children 'nd/is-todoitem-p) (nd/is-todoitem-p)))

  (defun nd/is-task-p ()
    (and (not (nd/heading-has-children 'nd/is-todoitem-p)) (nd/is-todoitem-p)))

  (defun nd/is-project-task-p ()
    (and (nd/heading-has-parent 'nd/is-todoitem-p) (nd/is-task-p)))

  (defun nd/is-atomic-task-p ()
    (and (not (nd/heading-has-parent 'nd/is-todoitem-p)) (nd/is-task-p)))
property testing

Returns t is heading matches a certian set of properties

  (defun nd/is-periodical-heading-p ()
    (equal "periodical" (org-entry-get nil "PARENT_TYPE" t)))

  (defun nd/is-iterator-heading-p ()
    (equal "iterator" (org-entry-get nil "PARENT_TYPE" t)))

  (defun nd/heading-has-effort-p ()
    (org-entry-get nil "Effort"))

  (defun nd/heading-has-context-p ()
    (let ((tags (org-get-tags-at)))
      (or (> (length (nd/filter-list-prefix "#" tags)) 0)
          (> (length (nd/filter-list-prefix "@" tags)) 0))))

  (defun nd/heading-has-tag-p (tag)
    (member tag (org-get-tags-at)))
relational testing

Returns t if heading has certain relationship to other headings

  (defun nd/heading-has-children (heading-test)
    "returns t if heading has subheadings that return t when assessed with 
  heading-test function"
    (let ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t)))
          has-children previous-point)
        (setq previous-point (point))
        (while (and (not has-children)
                    (< previous-point (point) subtree-end))
          (when (funcall heading-test)
            (setq has-children t))
          (setq previous-point (point))
          (org-forward-heading-same-level 1 t)))

  (defun nd/heading-has-parent (heading-test)
    "returns parent keyword if heading is in the immediate subtree of a heading 
  that evaluated to t with heading-test function"
    (save-excursion (and (org-up-heading-safe) (funcall heading-test))))

  (defun nd/has-discontinuous-parent ()
    "returns t if heading has a parent which is not a
  todoitem which in turn has a parent which is a todoitem"
    (let ((has-todoitem-parent)
        (while (and (org-up-heading-safe)
                    (not has-todoitem-parent))
          (if (nd/is-todoitem-p)
              (setq has-todoitem-parent t)
            (setq has-non-todoitem-parent t))))
      (and has-todoitem-parent has-non-todoitem-parent)))
project level testing
(defconst nd/project-invalid-todostates
  '("WAIT" "NEXT")
  "projects cannot have these todostates") 

(defmacro nd/compare-statuscodes (op sc1 sc2 sc-list)
  `(,op (position ,sc1 ,sc-list) (position ,sc2 ,sc-list)))

(defun nd/decend-into-project (allowed-statuscodes trans-tbl get-task-status)
  (let ((project-status (first allowed-statuscodes))
		(breaker-status (car (last allowed-statuscodes)))
	;; (message "hi")
	  (setq previous-point (point))
	  ;; loop through subproject tasks until breaker-status found
	  (while (and (not (eq project-status breaker-status))
				  (> (point) previous-point))
		(let ((keyword (nd/is-todoitem-p)))
		  (if keyword
			  (let ((new-status
					 ;; if project then descend recursively
					 (if (nd/heading-has-children 'nd/is-todoitem-p)
						 (let ((n (nd/get-project-status)))
						   ;; if project returns an allowed status
						   ;; then use that
						   (or (and (member n allowed-statuscodes) n)
							   ;; otherwise look up the value in the
							   ;; translation table and return error
							   ;; if not found
							   (nth (or (alist-get n trans-tbl)
										(error (concat "status not found: " n)))
					   ;; if not project then use user-defined function
					   ;; to obtain status of task
					   (nth (funcall get-task-status keyword)
				;; (message (format "%s" (concat "new status: " (symbol-name new-status))))
				;; (message (format "%s" (concat "project status: " (symbol-name project-status))))
				;; (message (format "%s" keyword))
				(if (nd/compare-statuscodes > new-status project-status allowed-statuscodes)
					(setq project-status new-status)))))
		(setq previous-point (point))
		(org-forward-heading-same-level 1 t)))

(defun nd/get-project-status ()
  (let ((keyword (nd/is-todoitem-p)))
	;; these first three are easy because they only require
	;; testing the project headline and nothing underneath
	 ((nd/is-scheduled-heading-p) :scheduled-project)
	 ((equal keyword "HOLD") :held)
	 ((member keyword nd/project-invalid-todostates)
	 ;; these require descending into the project subtasks
	 ((equal keyword "CANC")
	   '(:archivable :complete)
	   '((:stuck . 1)
		 (:held . 1)
		 (:waiting . 1)
		 (:active . 1)
		 (:scheduled-project . 1)
		 (:invalid-todostate . 1)
		 (:undone-complete . 1)
		 (:done-incomplete . 1))
	   (lambda (k)
		 (if (and (member k org-done-keywords)
				  (nd/is-archivable-heading-p)) 0 1))))
	 ((equal keyword "DONE")
	   '(:archivable :complete :done-incomplete)
	   '((:stuck . 2)
		 (:held . 2)
		 (:waiting . 2)
		 (:active . 2)
		 (:scheduled-project . 2)
		 (:invalid-todostate . 2)
		 (:undone-complete . 2))
	   (lambda (k)
		 (if (member k org-done-keywords)
			 (if (nd/is-archivable-heading-p) 0 1)
	 ((equal keyword "TODO")
	   '(:undone-complete :stuck :held :waiting :active)
	   '((:complete . 0)
		 (:archivable . 0)
		 (:scheduled-project . 1)
		 (:invalid-todostate . 1)
		 (:done-incomplete . 1))
	   (lambda (k)
		 (cond ((equal k "TODO") (if (nd/is-scheduled-heading-p) 4 1))
			   ((equal k "HOLD") 2)
			   ((equal k "WAIT") 3)
			   ((equal k "NEXT") 4)
			   (t 0)))))
	 (t (error (concat "invalid keyword detected: " keyword))))))
iterator testing
(defconst nd/iter-future-time (* 7 24 60 60))

(defconst nd/iter-statuscodes '(:uninit :empty :active))

(defun nd/get-iterator-status ()
  (let ((iter-status :uninit)
		(subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t))))
	  (setq previous-point (point))
	  (while (and (not (eq iter-status :active))
				  (< (point) subtree-end))
		(let ((keyword (nd/is-atomic-task-p))
		  (if keyword
				(setq new-status (if (nd/heading-compare-timestamp
									  (lambda ()
										(or (nd/is-scheduled-heading-p)
										nd/iter-future-time t)
				(if (nd/compare-statuscodes > new-status iter-status nd/iter-statuscodes)
					(setq iter-status new-status)))))
periodical testing
(defconst nd/peri-future-time nd/iter-future-time)

(defconst nd/peri-statuscodes '(:uninit :stale :fresh))

(defun nd/get-periodical-status ()
  (let ((peri-status :uninit)
		(subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t))))
	  (setq previous-point (point))
	  (while (and (not (eq peri-status :fresh))
				  (< (point) subtree-end))
		(if (and (nd/is-periodical-heading-p)
				 (not (nd/heading-has-children 'nd/is-periodical-heading-p)))
			(let ((new-status
				   (if (nd/heading-compare-timestamp
						nd/iter-future-time t)
			  (if (nd/compare-statuscodes > new-status peri-status nd/peri-statuscodes)
				  (setq peri-status new-status))))

skip functions

These are the primary means we use to sort through tasks. Note that we could do this with tags in the custom commands section but I find this easier to maintain and possibly faster.

helper skip functions and macros

Subunits for skip functions. Not meant to be used or called from the custom commands api

  (defun nd/skip-heading ()
    (save-excursion (or (outline-next-heading) (point-max))))

  (defun nd/skip-subtree ()
    (save-excursion (or (org-end-of-subtree t) (point-max))))

  (defconst nd/project-skip-todostates
    '("HOLD" "CANC")
    "These keywords override all contents within their subtrees.
  Currently used to tell skip functions when they can hop over
  entire subtrees to save time and ignore tasks")

  (defmacro nd/skip-heading-with (heading-fun test-fun)
    "Skips headings accoring to certain characteristics. heading-fun
  is a function that tests the heading and returns the todoitem keyword
  on success. Test-fun is a function that further tests the identity of
  the heading and may or may not use the keyword output supplied by
  the heading-fun. This function will not skip if heading-fun and 
  test-fun return true"
       (let ((keyword (,heading-fun)))
         (message keyword)
         (if (not (and keyword ,test-fun))

Skip functions for headings which may or may not be todo-items

Note in the case of stale headings that I only care about those that are not part of projects (projects will get taken care of when the entire project is finished) and those that are not DONE/CANC (as those appear in the regular archive section)

  (defun nd/skip-headings-with-tags (pos-tags-list &optional neg-tags-list)
    "Skips headings that have tags in pos-tags-list and also skips
  tags that do not have tags in neg-tags-list"
      (let ((header-tags (org-get-tags-at)))
        (if (and (or (not pos-tags-list)
                     (intersection pos-tags-list header-tags :test 'equal))
                 (not (intersection neg-tags-list header-tags :test 'equal)))

  (defun nd/skip-non-stale-headings ()
      (let ((keyword (nd/is-todoitem-p)))
        (if (not
             (and (nd/is-stale-heading-p)
                  (not (member keyword org-done-keywords))
                  (not (nd/heading-has-children 'nd/is-todoitem-p))
                  (not (nd/heading-has-parent 'nd/is-todoitem-p))))
atomic tasks

By definition these have no parents, so I don't need to worry about skipping over projects any todo state is valid and we only sort by done/canc

  ;; NOTE: this assumes that tags-todo will
  ;; filter out all done state tasks
  (defun nd/skip-non-atomic-tasks ()
      (if (not (nd/is-atomic-task-p))

  (defun nd/skip-non-closed-atomic-tasks ()
     (and (member keyword org-done-keywords)
          (not (nd/is-archivable-heading-p)))))

  (defun nd/skip-non-archivable-atomic-tasks ()
     (and (member keyword org-done-keywords)

These are headers marked with PARENT_TYPE=periodical property that have timestamped headers as children which in turn may or may not have todo keywords. They are to be refilled when all children are stale Note that I only care about the parent headers as the children should always show up in the agenda simply because they have timestamps. Parents can be either fresh (at least one child in the future) or stale (all children in the past).

(defun nd/skip-non-periodical-parent-headers ()
    (if (not (and (nd/is-periodical-heading-p)
                  (not (nd/heading-has-parent 'nd/is-periodical-heading-p))))

(defun nd/skip-non-periodical-untimestamped ()
    (if (not (and (nd/is-periodical-heading-p)
				  (not (nd/is-timestamped-heading-p))
                  (not (nd/heading-has-children 'nd/is-periodical-heading-p))))

iterators are like projects but have additional status codes based on when the iterator will run out

(defun nd/skip-non-iterator-parent-headers ()
    (if (not (and (nd/is-iterator-heading-p)
                  (not (nd/heading-has-parent 'nd/is-iterator-heading-p))))

(defun nd/skip-non-iterator-unscheduled ()
   (not (or (nd/is-scheduled-heading-p)
project tasks

Since these are part of projects I need to assess if the parent project is skippable, in which case I jump to the next subtree Note that I only care about the keyword in these cases because I don't archive these, I archive their parent projects. The keywords I care about are NEXT, WAIT, and HOLD because these are definitive project tasks that require/inhibit futher action. (TODO = stuck which I take care of at the project level, and DONE/CANC = archivable which is dealt with similarly)

(defun nd/skip-non-project-tasks ()
    (let ((keyword (nd/is-todoitem-p)))
      (if keyword
          (if (nd/heading-has-children 'nd/is-todoitem-p)
              (if (member keyword nd/project-skip-todostates)
            (if (not (nd/heading-has-parent 'nd/is-todoitem-p))
header-level errors

Some headers are invalid under certain conditions which I test here

  (defun nd/skip-non-discontinuous-project-tasks ()

  (defun nd/skip-non-done-unclosed-todoitems ()
     (and (member keyword org-done-keywords)
          (not (nd/is-closed-heading-p)))))

  (defun nd/skip-non-undone-closed-todoitems ()
     (and (not (member keyword org-done-keywords))
  (defun nd/skip-atomic-tasks-with-context ()
     (not (nd/heading-has-context-p))))

  (defun nd/skip-project-tasks-with-context ()
     (not (nd/heading-has-context-p))))

  (defun nd/skip-projects-with-context ()
     (not (nd/heading-has-context-p))))

  (defun nd/skip-tasks-with-effort ()
     (not (nd/heading-has-effort-p))))

Projects are handled quite simply. They have statuscodes for which I test, and this can all be handled by one function. Note that this is used for "normal" projects as well as iterators

(defun nd/skip-non-projects (&optional ignore-toplevel)
    (let ((keyword (nd/is-project-p)))
      (if keyword
          (if (and nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel
				   (not ignore-toplevel)
                   (nd/heading-has-parent 'nd/is-todoitem-p))

interactive view functions

(defvar nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel t
  "used to filter projects by all levels or top-level only")

(defvar nd/agenda-hide-incubator-tags t
  "used to filter incubator headings")

(defun nd/toggle-project-toplevel-display ()
  (setq nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel (not nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel))
  (when (equal major-mode 'org-agenda-mode)
  (message "Showing %s project view in agenda"
           (if nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel "toplevel" "complete")))

(defun nd/toggle-agenda-var (var msg)
  (set var (not (eval var)))
  (when (equal major-mode 'org-agenda-mode)
  (message msg))

(defun nd/org-agenda-filter-non-context ()
  "A quick and dirty agenda filter that removes all
tasks with context tags"
  (let* ((tags-list (mapcar #'car org-tag-alist))
         (context-tags (append
                        (nd/filter-list-prefix "@" tags-list)
                        (nd/filter-list-prefix "#" tags-list))))
    (setq org-agenda-tag-filter
          (mapcar (lambda(tag) (concat "-" tag)) context-tags))
    (org-agenda-filter-apply org-agenda-tag-filter 'tag)))

agenda aesthetics

(setq org-agenda-tags-todo-honor-ignore-options t)

(setq org-agenda-prefix-format
      '((agenda . "  %-12:c %-5:e %?-12t% s")
        (timeline . "  % s")
        (todo . "  %-12:c")
        (tags . "  %-12:c %-5:e ")
        (search . "  %-12:c")))

(defconst nd/org-agenda-todo-sort-order '("NEXT" "WAIT" "HOLD" "TODO"))

(setq org-agenda-cmp-user-defined
      '(lambda (a b)
         (let ((pa (- (length (member
                               (get-text-property 1 'todo-state a)
               (pb (- (length (member
                               (get-text-property 1 'todo-state b)
           (cond ((or (null pa) (null pb)) nil)
                 ((> pa pb) +1)
                 ((< pa pb) -1)))))

custom commands

(defun nd/org-agenda-filter-status (filter status-fun a-line)
  "Filter for org-agenda-before-sorting-filter-function intended for
agenda project views (eg makes the assumption that all entries are
from projects in the original org buffer)

Will go to the original org buffer and determine the project status
after which it will check if status is in filter. If true, the flag
string in the prefix is replaced with the status and the status is
set as a text property for further sorting"
  (let* ((m (get-text-property 1 'org-marker a-line))
		 (s (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer m)
			  (goto-char m)
			  (funcall status-fun))))
	(if (member s filter)
		(org-add-props (replace-regexp-in-string
					   "xxxx" (symbol-name s) a-line)
					  nil 'project-status s))))

(defun nd/org-agenda-sort-prop (prop order a b)
  (let* ((ta (get-text-property 1 prop a))
		 (tb (get-text-property 1 prop b))
		 (pa (position ta order :test (if (stringp ta) #'equal)))
         (pb (position tb order :test (if (stringp tb) #'equal))))
    (cond ((or (null pa) (null pb)) nil)
          ((< pa pb) +1)
          ((> pa pb) -1))))

(defun nd/agenda-base-header-cmd (match header skip-fun)
    ((org-agenda-overriding-header ,header)
     (org-agenda-skip-function ,skip-fun)
     (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(category-keep)))))

(defun nd/agenda-base-task-cmd (match header skip-fun &optional sort)
  (or sort (setq sort ''(category-keep)))
    ((org-agenda-overriding-header ,header)
     (org-agenda-skip-function ,skip-fun)
     (org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date t)
     (org-agenda-sorting-strategy ,sort))))

(let* ((actionable "-NA-REFILE-%inc")
	   (periodical "PARENT_TYPE=\"periodical\"")
	   (iterator "PARENT_TYPE=\"iterator\"")
	   (habit "STYLE=\"habit\"")
	   (task-match (concat actionable "-" periodical "-" habit "/!"))
       (act-no-rep-match (concat actionable "-" periodical "-" iterator "-" habit "/!"))
       (peri-match (concat actionable "+" periodical "-" iterator "-" habit))
       (iter-match (concat actionable "-" periodical "+" iterator "-" habit "/!")))

  (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
           "Task View"
           ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-skip-function '(nd/skip-headings-with-tags '("%inc" "REFILE")))
						(org-agenda-include-diary t)))
            ,(nd/agenda-base-task-cmd act-no-rep-match
                                          "Project Tasks"
                                          ''(user-defined-up category-keep))
            ,(nd/agenda-base-task-cmd act-no-rep-match
                                          "Atomic Tasks"

           "Project View"
		  	   (concat (and
		  				nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel "Toplevel ")
		  	  (org-agenda-skip-function '(nd/skip-non-projects))
			   (lambda (l) (nd/org-agenda-filter-status
					   '(:scheduled-project :invalid-todostate :undone-complete
											:done-incomplete :stuck :waiting
											:held :active)
					   'nd/get-project-status l)))
			   (lambda (a b) (nd/org-agenda-sort-prop
						 '(:scheduled-project :invalid-todostate :undone-complete
											  :done-incomplete :stuck :waiting
											  :held :active)
						 a b)))
		  	  (org-agenda-prefix-format '((tags . "  %-12:c %(format \"xxxx: \")")))
		  	  (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(user-defined-down category-keep))))))
           "Periodical View"
			 ,(concat actionable "-" iterator "+" periodical "-" habit)
		  	 ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Periodical Status")
		  	  (org-agenda-skip-function '(nd/skip-non-periodical-parent-headers))
			   (lambda (l) (nd/org-agenda-filter-status
					   nd/peri-statuscodes 'nd/get-periodical-status l)))
			   (lambda (a b) (nd/org-agenda-sort-prop
						 'project-status nd/peri-statuscodes a b)))
		  	  (org-agenda-prefix-format '((tags . "  %-12:c %(format \"xxxx: \")")))
		  	  (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(user-defined-down category-keep))))
            ,(nd/agenda-base-header-cmd "-NA-REFILE+PARENT_TYPE=\"periodical\""

           "Iterator View"
		  	 ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Iterator Status")
		  	  (org-agenda-skip-function '(nd/skip-non-iterator-parent-headers))
			   (lambda (l) (nd/org-agenda-filter-status nd/iter-statuscodes 'nd/get-iterator-status l)))
			   (lambda (a b) (nd/org-agenda-sort-prop 'project-status nd/iter-statuscodes a b)))
		  	  (org-agenda-prefix-format '((tags . "  %-12:c %(format \"xxxx: \")")))
		  	  (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(user-defined-down category-keep))))
            ,(nd/agenda-base-task-cmd "-NA-REFILE+PARENT_TYPE=\"iterator\"/!"
									  "Unscheduled or Undeaded"
           "Incubator View"
           ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-span 7)
                        (org-agenda-time-grid nil)
                        (org-agenda-entry-types '(:deadline :timestamp))))
            ,(nd/agenda-base-task-cmd "-NA-REFILE+%inc/!"
									  "Incubated Tasks"
		  	   (concat (and
		  				nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel "Toplevel ")
		  			   "Incubated Projects"))
		  	  (org-agenda-skip-function '(nd/skip-non-projects))
			   (lambda (l) (nd/org-agenda-filter-status
					   '(:scheduled-project :invalid-todostate :undone-complete
											:done-incomplete :stuck :waiting
											:held :active)
					   'nd/get-project-status l)))
			   (lambda (a b) (nd/org-agenda-sort-prop
						 '(:scheduled-project :invalid-todostate :undone-complete
											  :done-incomplete :stuck :waiting
											  :active :held)
						 a b)))
		  	  (org-agenda-prefix-format '((tags . "  %-12:c %(format \"xxxx: \")")))
		  	  (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(user-defined-down category-keep))))))

           "Refile and Critical Errors"
           ((tags "REFILE"
                  ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Tasks to Refile"))
                  (org-tags-match-list-sublevels nil))
            ,(nd/agenda-base-task-cmd task-match
									  "Discontinous Project"
			,(nd/agenda-base-header-cmd task-match
										"Undone Closed"
            ,(nd/agenda-base-header-cmd (concat actionable "-" periodical)
										"Done Unclosed"

           "Archivable Tasks and Projects"
           (,(nd/agenda-base-header-cmd (concat actionable "-" periodical "-" habit)
										"Archivable Atomic Tasks and Iterators"
            ,(nd/agenda-base-header-cmd (concat actionable "-" habit)
										"Stale Tasks and Periodicals"
			 ,(concat actionable "-" periodical "-" iterator "-" habit)
		  	   (concat (and	nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel "Toplevel ")
		  			   "Archivable Projects"))
		  	  (org-agenda-skip-function '(nd/skip-non-projects))
			   (lambda (l) (nd/org-agenda-filter-status '(:archivable) 'nd/get-project-status l)))
			   (lambda (a b) (nd/org-agenda-sort-prop 'project-status '(:archivable) a b)))
		  	  (org-agenda-prefix-format '((tags . "  %-12:c %(format \"xxxx: \")")))
		  	  (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(user-defined-down category-keep)))))))))


calendar display
(setq org-agenda-start-on-weekday 0)
(setq org-agenda-span 'day)
(setq org-agenda-current-time-string "### -- NOW -- ###")
(setq org-agenda-time-grid '((daily today remove-match)
							 (0800 1000 1200 1200 1400 1600)
                             "......" "-----------------"))
right align tags

the agenda does not do this by default…it's annoying

  (add-hook 'org-finalize-agenda-hook 'place-agenda-tags)
  (defun place-agenda-tags ()
    "Put the agenda tags by the right border of the agenda window."
    (setq org-agenda-tags-column (- 4 (window-width)))

auto exclusion

  (defun nd/org-auto-exclude-function (tag)
    "Automatic task exclusion in the agenda with / RET"
    (and (cond
          ((string= tag "hold")
         (concat "-" tag)))

  (setq org-agenda-auto-exclude-function 'nd/org-auto-exclude-function)

column view

  (setq org-columns-default-format
        "%25ITEM %4TODO %TAGS %5Effort{:} %OWNER(OWN)")

  (set-face-attribute 'org-column nil :background "#1e2023")
  ;; org-columns-summary-types

interactive commands

(defun nd/mark-subtree-keyword (new-keyword &optional exclude)
  "marks all tasks in a subtree with keyword unless original keyword
is in the optional argument exclude"
  (let ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t))))
    (if (not (listp exclude))
        (error "exlude must be a list if provided"))
      (while (< (point) subtree-end)
        (let ((keyword (nd/is-todoitem-p)))
          (if (and keyword (not (member keyword exclude)))
              (org-todo new-keyword)))

(defun nd/mark-subtree-done ()
  "marks all tasks in subtree as DONE unless they are already canc"
  (nd/mark-subtree-keyword "DONE" '("CANC")))

(defun nd/org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift (n &optional shift)
  "Like `org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift' except it resets checkboxes
and reverts all todo keywords to TODO"
  (interactive "nNumber of clones to produce: ")
  (let ((shift (or (org-entry-get nil "TIME_SHIFT" 'selective)
                    "Date shift per clone (e.g. +1w, empty to copy unchanged): "))))
    (condition-case err
			;; clone once and reset
			(org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift 1 shift)
            (org-forward-heading-same-level 1 t)
            (nd/mark-subtree-keyword "TODO")
            (call-interactively 'nd/org-log-delete)
			;; clone reset tree again if we need more than one clone
			(if (> n 1)
				(let ((additional-trees (- n 1)))
				  (org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift additional-trees shift)
				  (dotimes (i additional-trees)
					(org-forward-heading-same-level 1 t)
      (error (message "%s" (error-message-string err))))))

(defun nd/org-log-delete ()
  "Delete logbook drawer of subtree."
    (goto-char (org-log-beginning))
    (when (save-excursion
              (beginning-of-line 0)
              (search-forward-regexp org-drawer-regexp)
              (goto-char (match-beginning 1))
              (looking-at "LOGBOOK")))
      (delete-region (region-beginning) (region-end))
      (org-remove-empty-drawer-at (point)))))


+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package org-caldav :ensure t :config (org-caldav-url "https://portnoy4prez.yavin4.ch/nextcloud/remote.php/dav/calendars/petrucci4prez/concerts/" org-cladav-calendar-id "testorg" org-caldav-inbox "~/Org/reference/testcal.org"))



(use-package calfw-org
  :ensure t
  (cfw:fchar-junction ?╋)
  (cfw:fchar-vertical-line ?┃)
  (cfw:fchar-horizontal-line ?━)
  (cfw:fchar-left-junction ?┣)
  (cfw:fchar-right-junction ?┫)
  (cfw:fchar-top-junction ?┯)
  (cfw:fchar-top-left-corner ?┏)
  (cfw:fchar-top-right-corner ?┓))


only for gmail now


(require 'mu4e)
(setq mail-user-agent 'mu4e-user-agent
	  mu4e-maildir "/mnt/data/Mail"
	  mu4e-drafts-folder "/gmail/drafts"
	  mu4e-sent-folder   "/gmail/sent"
	  mu4e-trash-folder  "/gmail/trash"

	  mu4e-change-filenames-when-moving t

	  mu4e-confirm-quit nil)


(require 'smtpmail)
(setq message-send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it
	  user-mail-address "natedwarshuis@gmail.com"
	  user-full-name "Nate Dwarshuis"

      mu4e-sent-messages-behavior 'delete
	  starttls-use-gnutls t
	  smtpmail-starttls-credentials '(("smtp.gmail.com" 587 nil nil))
	  smtpmail-auth-credentials '(("smtp.gmail.com" 587
								   "natedwarshuis@gmail.com" nil))
	  smtpmail-default-smtp-server "smtp.gmail.com"
	  smtpmail-smtp-service 587
	  smtpmail-smtp-server "smtp.gmail.com")


(defvar nd-term-shell "/bin/bash")
(defadvice ansi-term (before force-bash)
  (interactive (list nd-term-shell)))
(ad-activate 'ansi-term)


(setq ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain)


For the sake of my sanity, all bindings go here.


I like being evil. All package and custom bindings go here.


(use-package evil
  :ensure t
  ;; this is required to make evil collection work
  (setq evil-want-integration nil)
  (evil-mode 1))


(use-package evil-org
  :ensure t
  :after (evil org)
  (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'evil-org-mode)
  (add-hook 'evil-org-mode-hook 'evil-org-set-key-theme)

  (require 'evil-org-agenda)
  ;; some of the defaults bug me...
  (evil-define-key 'motion org-agenda-mode-map
	"t" 'nd/toggle-project-toplevel-display
	"D" 'org-agenda-day-view
	"W" 'org-agenda-week-view
	"M" 'org-agenda-month-view
	"Y" 'org-agenda-year-view
	"ct" nil
	"sC" 'nd/org-agenda-filter-non-context
	"e" 'org-agenda-set-effort
	"ce" nil))


(use-package evil-collection
  :ensure t
  :after evil
  (setq evil-collection-modes-list '(which-key helm minibuffer mu4e ediff))
  (evil-collection-setup-minibuffer t)



(add-hook 'org-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-x x") 'nd/mark-subtree-done)
            (local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-x c") 'nd/org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift)))
(add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-c") 'org-agenda-set-tags)))


(global-set-key (kbd "<f1>") 'org-agenda)
(global-set-key (kbd "<f2>") 'org-capture)
(global-set-key (kbd "<f12>") 'global-hl-line-mode)
(global-set-key (kbd "S-<f12>") 'display-line-numbers-mode)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-<f12>") 'mu4e)

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c e") 'nd/config-visit)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c h") 'helm-command-prefix)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c r") 'nd/config-reload)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c s") 'sudo-edit)

(global-set-key (kbd "C-x 2") 'nd/split-and-follow-horizontally)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x 3") 'nd/split-and-follow-vertically)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-f") 'helm-find-files)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-b") 'helm-buffers-list)

(global-set-key (kbd "M-b") 'nd/switch-to-previous-buffer)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-o") 'ace-window)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-s") 'avy-goto-char)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-x") 'helm-M-x)