Editing source code examples and pictures is not done in a truly
separate buffer, not in an indirect buffer. Indirect buffers had
caused problems with fontification, for example.
Jason Riedy writes:
> I'm trying to change org-export-latex-image-default-option
> to "width=.7\\linewidth" in a file local variable. It's set
> correctly as a buffer local variable, and it's having no
> effect on the export. My guess is that the buffer-local
> property is stopping it as soon as org-export-as-latex runs
> set-buffer.
> I can smuggle the value in by adding an entry to org-export-plist-vars
> referring to org-export-latex-image-default-option and pulling the value
> from the plist, but that feels incorrect.
It is actually the correct way to do this, and I have
implemented this change.
Samuel Wales writes:
> I frequently export to ascii without wanting a file to be created,
> especially not in a useful directory, as the files are temporary.
> Is there a way to export ascii to just a buffer?
There is now, `C-c C-e A'.
This commit also implements commands
- org-export-as-ascii-to-buffer
- org-replace-region-by-ascii
- org-export-region-as-ascii
which are similar to what is available for HTML and LaTeX.
`C-c C-e A' used to be the key for publishing all projects.
This functionality has now been moved to `C-c C-e E'.
Scot Beker writes:
> I have org-remember working successfully (I can't believe that it took
> me so long to experiment with it. It has made a huge difference in my
> work).
> But if, after calling the extension with C-c r, I type a "wrong" tag
> selector (e.g. I mistype a right one), I get
> (1) the error message 'no template' (good)
> (2) a remember buffer without a bullet point, with the point at the
> very top of the file (sure, what do I expect?)
> (3) but, having realized my mistake, I can't get out of it gracefully.
> I can't abort (C-c C-k), and can't (C-c C-c).
> I get the error message "Args out of range 0, 1"
> Any idea whether I've set something up wrong or if org just has no
> mercy on those who can't manage to type one of the selected values?
> Otherwise, org-remember works well.
This situation is now avoided by forcing the selection of a valid
Matt Lundin writes:
> When I select a region and invoke
> org-replace-region-by-latex, the region is removed, but no
> latex output is put in its place. In other words, the region
> is simply deleted.
> Strangely, if I select multiple headlines, they are
> converted to latex. But if I select only text underneath a
> headline, it is not replaced.
This is hopefully fixed now.
Alex Mizrahi writes:
> I'm trying to use column view to work with effort estimates, but it
> does not seem to work in XEmacs. When I press C-c C-x C-c columns
> show up in agenda view (I'm not sure if 100% correcly, but
> more-or-less so), but when I try editing anything, column view goes
> away and error appears:
> Wrong number of arguments: #<subr local-variable-p>, 1
Chris Gray had the idea to have arbitrary blocks turned in LaTeX
environments and HTML divs. These three new hooks allow
implementation has an add-on rather than a patch.
Thomas Morgan writes:
> I just tried exporting an Org file with LaTeX fragments to HTML
> on a computer that doesn't have dvipng. There were error messages
> in *Messages* ("Failed to create png file..."), but this wasn't
> obvious to me at first glance because those messages were replaced
> in the echo area by "Exporting... done" before I could see them.
> So I was wondering, is there a good way to make the user aware of
> those errors? Maybe by printing "Exporting... done (with errors)"?
There is now a better error message when either the latex or the
dvipng program does not exist.
Carsten Dominik writes:
> On Apr 26, 2009, at 12:08 AM, Samuel Wales wrote:
> > I noticed the following regarding
> > org-remember-backup-directory:
> >
> > 1) auto-saving does not save contents
> > - solution: put (auto-save-mode 1) before or after (not
> > sure which) the call to org-set-local in the
> > following lines in org-remember:
> >
> > # (expand-file-name
> > # (format-time-string "remember-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
> > # org-remember-backup-directory))
> > # (save-buffer)
> > # (org-set-local 'auto-save-visited-file-name t))
> > # (when (save-excursion
> Done.
> > 2) save-buffer is called before there are any contents
> > - this causes files without useful content to stick
> > around in the dir if the buffer is killed or
> > something.
> > - solution: don't save the buffer; let auto-saving do
> > that work. will this work?
> Usually, the template expansion will have filled in stuff like
> links and initial contents, so I would prefer to keep the
> save-buffer here and let the user deal with the extra files.
> > 3) if you have auto-save-file-name-transforms set,
> > auto-saving is done according to that variable instead
> > of saving in place.
> >
> > I am now turning that variable off, locally in the remember buffer.
> > Does that fix the problem?
> - Carsten
> > - solution: is this an emacs bug? i am not sure. the
> > auto-saving should be done in place, saving in
> > org-remember-backup-directory and not saving in the
> > place where the transforms variable tells it to save.
> > perhaps each user can kludge transforms or perhaps
> > emacs needs fixing? i have reached debugging ability
> > limit.
Copying subtrees with checked off lists to create a new task would
normally require the boxes to be unchecked. This function lets
you easily clear all checkboxes in an entry without requiring
the RESET_CHECK_BOXES property.
Tassilo Horn writes:
> I have this entry in an org-file.
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> ** bung Grundlagen der Softwaretechnik (B 016) :teaching:
> <2009-04-22 Wed 08:30-10:00 +1w>
> <2009-04-29 Wed 10:15-11:45> (Fr Hannes bernehmen)
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> I expect it to be displayed every wednesday after 2009-04-22
> for 08:30-10:00 and on 2009-04-29 it should be displayed
> twice: one at the usual time and one for 10:15-11:45.
> But the agenda shows only the regular entry (08:30-10:00)
> and omitts the exception. If I reorder the timestamps, so
> that the exception comes first, only the exception will be
> shown on 2009-04-29. Every other wednesday shows the
> regular repeater date.
> What do I have to do to make that entry showing up twice on
> 29th April?
This commit adds a new option
`org-agenda-skip-additional-timestamps-same-entry'. When set
to t, an entry that has multiple active time stamps will get
multiple lines in the agenda.