
934 B

Examples of Litorgy in Action

size of the files in your home directory

This will work for Linux and Mac users, not so sure about shell commands for windows users.

To run place the cursor on the #+begin_src line of the source block labeled directory-pie and press \C-c\C-c.

cd ~ && du -sc * |grep -v total
64 "Desktop"
11882808 "Documents"
8210024 "Downloads"
879800 "Library"
57344 "Movies"
7590248 "Music"
5307664 "Pictures"
0 "Public"
152 "Sites"
8 "System"
56 "bin"
3274848 "mail"
5282032 "src"
1264 "tools"
pie(dirs[,1], labels = dirs[,2])