
264 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2023-05-29 15:56:15 -04:00
module Internal.History
( readHistStmt
, readHistTransfer
, splitHistory
2023-05-29 15:56:15 -04:00
import Control.Monad.Except
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import Data.Csv
import Data.Foldable
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import Internal.Database
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import Internal.Types.Main
import Internal.Utils
import RIO hiding (to)
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import qualified RIO.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import RIO.FilePath
import qualified RIO.List as L
import qualified RIO.Map as M
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import qualified RIO.Text as T
import RIO.Time
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import qualified RIO.Vector as V
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-- NOTE keep statement and transfer readers separate because the former needs
-- the IO monad, and thus will throw IO errors rather than using the ExceptT
-- thingy
splitHistory :: [History] -> ([PairedTransfer], [Statement])
splitHistory = partitionEithers . fmap go
go (HistTransfer x) = Left x
go (HistStatement x) = Right x
-- Transfers
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> PairedTransfer
2023-07-01 13:12:50 -04:00
-> m (Either CommitR [Tx TxCommit])
readHistTransfer ht = eitherHash CTManual ht return $ \c -> do
bounds <- askDBState kmStatementInterval
expandTransfer (HistoryCommit c) bounds ht
-- Statements
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:: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadFinance m)
=> FilePath
-> Statement
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-> m (Either CommitR [Tx TxCommit])
2023-06-25 14:26:35 -04:00
readHistStmt root i = eitherHash CTImport i return $ \c -> do
bs <- readImport root i
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bounds <- askDBState kmStatementInterval
2023-07-01 13:12:50 -04:00
return $ filter (inDaySpan bounds . txDate) $ fmap (\t -> t {txCommit = HistoryCommit c}) bs
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2023-05-29 17:19:49 -04:00
-- TODO this probably won't scale well (pipes?)
readImport :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadFinance m) => FilePath -> Statement -> m [Tx ()]
readImport root Statement {stmtTxOpts, stmtParsers, stmtSkipLines, stmtDelim, stmtPaths} = do
2023-05-29 17:19:49 -04:00
let ores = compileOptions stmtTxOpts
let cres = combineErrors $ compileMatch <$> stmtParsers
(compiledOptions, compiledMatches) <- liftIOExcept $ combineError ores cres (,)
let readStmt = readImport_ stmtSkipLines stmtDelim compiledOptions
records <- L.sort . concat <$> mapErrorsIO readStmt paths
fromEither =<< runExceptT (matchRecords compiledMatches records)
paths = (root </>) <$> stmtPaths
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:: MonadUnliftIO m
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=> Natural
-> Word
-> TxOptsRe
-> FilePath
-> m [TxRecord]
readImport_ n delim tns p = do
res <- tryIO $ BL.readFile p
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bs <- fromEither $ first (InsertException . (: []) . InsertIOError . showT) res
case decodeByNameWithP (parseTxRecord p tns) opts $ skip bs of
Left m -> throwIO $ InsertException [ParseError $ T.pack m]
Right (_, v) -> return $ catMaybes $ V.toList v
opts = defaultDecodeOptions {decDelimiter = fromIntegral delim}
skip = BL.intercalate "\n" . L.drop (fromIntegral n) . BL.split 10
-- TODO handle this better, this maybe thing is a hack to skip lines with
-- blank dates but will likely want to make this more flexible
parseTxRecord :: FilePath -> TxOptsRe -> NamedRecord -> Parser (Maybe TxRecord)
parseTxRecord p TxOpts {toDate, toAmountFmt, toDesc, toAmount, toOther, toDateFmt} r = do
d <- r .: T.encodeUtf8 toDate
if d == ""
then return Nothing
else do
a <- parseRational toAmountFmt =<< r .: T.encodeUtf8 toAmount
e <- r .: T.encodeUtf8 toDesc
os <- M.fromList <$> mapM (\n -> (n,) <$> r .: T.encodeUtf8 n) toOther
d' <- parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale (T.unpack toDateFmt) d
return $ Just $ TxRecord d' a e os p
matchRecords :: MonadFinance m => [MatchRe] -> [TxRecord] -> InsertExceptT m [Tx ()]
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matchRecords ms rs = do
(matched, unmatched, notfound) <- matchAll (matchPriorities ms) rs
case (matched, unmatched, notfound) of
(ms_, [], []) -> return ms_
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(_, us, ns) -> throwError $ InsertException [StatementError us ns]
matchPriorities :: [MatchRe] -> [MatchGroup]
matchPriorities =
fmap matchToGroup
. L.groupBy (\a b -> spPriority a == spPriority b)
. L.sortOn (Down . spPriority)
matchToGroup :: [MatchRe] -> MatchGroup
matchToGroup ms =
uncurry MatchGroup $
first (L.sortOn spDate) $
L.partition (isJust . spDate) ms
data MatchGroup = MatchGroup
{ mgDate :: ![MatchRe]
, mgNoDate :: ![MatchRe]
deriving (Show)
data Zipped a = Zipped ![a] ![a]
data Unzipped a = Unzipped ![a] ![a] ![a]
initZipper :: [a] -> Zipped a
initZipper = Zipped []
resetZipper :: Zipped a -> Zipped a
resetZipper = initZipper . recoverZipper
recoverZipper :: Zipped a -> [a]
recoverZipper (Zipped as bs) = reverse as ++ bs
:: (a -> b -> Ordering)
-> b
-> Zipped a
-> Either (Zipped a) (Unzipped a)
zipperSlice f x = go
go z@(Zipped _ []) = Left z
go z@(Zipped bs (a : as)) =
case f a x of
GT -> go $ Zipped (a : bs) as
EQ -> Right $ goEq (Unzipped bs [a] as)
LT -> Left z
goEq z@(Unzipped _ _ []) = z
goEq z@(Unzipped bs cs (a : as)) =
case f a x of
GT -> goEq $ Unzipped (a : bs) cs as
EQ -> goEq $ Unzipped bs (a : cs) as
LT -> z
:: MonadFinance m
=> Unzipped MatchRe
2023-05-29 17:19:49 -04:00
-> TxRecord
-> InsertExceptT m (Zipped MatchRe, MatchRes (Tx ()))
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zipperMatch (Unzipped bs cs as) x = go [] cs
go _ [] = return (Zipped bs $ cs ++ as, MatchFail)
go prev (m : ms) = do
res <- matches m x
case res of
MatchFail -> go (m : prev) ms
skipOrPass ->
let ps = reverse prev
ms' = maybe ms (: ms) (matchDec m)
in return (Zipped bs $ ps ++ ms' ++ as, skipOrPass)
:: MonadFinance m
=> Zipped MatchRe
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-> TxRecord
-> InsertExceptT m (Zipped MatchRe, MatchRes (Tx ()))
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zipperMatch' z x = go z
go (Zipped bs (a : as)) = do
res <- matches a x
case res of
MatchFail -> go (Zipped (a : bs) as)
skipOrPass ->
return (Zipped (maybe bs (: bs) $ matchDec a) as, skipOrPass)
go z' = return (z', MatchFail)
matchDec :: MatchRe -> Maybe MatchRe
matchDec m = case spTimes m of
Just 1 -> Nothing
Just n -> Just $ m {spTimes = Just $ n - 1}
Nothing -> Just m
:: MonadFinance m
=> [MatchGroup]
-> [TxRecord]
-> InsertExceptT m ([Tx ()], [TxRecord], [MatchRe])
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matchAll = go ([], [])
go (matched, unused) gs rs = case (gs, rs) of
(_, []) -> return (matched, [], unused)
([], _) -> return (matched, rs, unused)
(g : gs', _) -> do
(ts, unmatched, us) <- matchGroup g rs
go (ts ++ matched, us ++ unused) gs' unmatched
:: MonadFinance m
=> MatchGroup
-> [TxRecord]
-> InsertExceptT m ([Tx ()], [TxRecord], [MatchRe])
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matchGroup MatchGroup {mgDate = ds, mgNoDate = ns} rs = do
(md, rest, ud) <- matchDates ds rs
(mn, unmatched, un) <- matchNonDates ns rest
return (md ++ mn, unmatched, filter ((/= Nothing) . spTimes) $ ud ++ un)
:: MonadFinance m
=> [MatchRe]
-> [TxRecord]
-> InsertExceptT m ([Tx ()], [TxRecord], [MatchRe])
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matchDates ms = go ([], [], initZipper ms)
go (matched, unmatched, z) [] =
( catMaybes matched
, reverse unmatched
, recoverZipper z
go (matched, unmatched, z) (r : rs) =
case zipperSlice findDate r z of
Left zipped -> go (matched, r : unmatched, zipped) rs
Right unzipped -> do
(z', res) <- zipperMatch unzipped r
let (m, u) = case res of
(MatchPass p) -> (Just p : matched, unmatched)
MatchSkip -> (Nothing : matched, unmatched)
MatchFail -> (matched, r : unmatched)
go (m, u, z') rs
findDate m r = maybe EQ (`compareDate` trDate r) $ spDate m
:: MonadFinance m
=> [MatchRe]
-> [TxRecord]
-> InsertExceptT m ([Tx ()], [TxRecord], [MatchRe])
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matchNonDates ms = go ([], [], initZipper ms)
go (matched, unmatched, z) [] =
( catMaybes matched
, reverse unmatched
, recoverZipper z
go (matched, unmatched, z) (r : rs) = do
(z', res) <- zipperMatch' z r
let (m, u) = case res of
MatchPass p -> (Just p : matched, unmatched)
MatchSkip -> (Nothing : matched, unmatched)
MatchFail -> (matched, r : unmatched)
in go (m, u, resetZipper z') rs