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2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
{- Types to define a conky configuration.
Key terms:
- widget: the components of a module (dials, bars, plots, etc)
- module: a monitor for some aspect of the system to be displayed
- column: a vertical arrangement of modules
- panel: a horizontal arrangement of columns
- layout: a horizontal arrangement of panels
- geometry: the 'dimensions' of a widget
- pattern: the color/gradient to be used in widgets
NOTE: geometry is defined on a global level and at the module level. The global
level is defined in the theme type (see below) and applies to all widgets
equally. Some dimensions are not defined globally and are instead delegated to
each module to define themselves (these are not overrides so they must be
specified, although most modules have sensible defaults hardcoded)
See the 'fallback' config for an example of how to use these types.
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let Vector2 = \(a : Type) -> { x : a, y : a }
let Point = Vector2 Natural
let Margin = Vector2 Natural
2022-08-11 00:05:06 -04:00
let FSPath = { name : Text, path : Text }
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
let TextGeo =
Defines text dimensions for multiline visuals
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
text_spacing: gap between lines of text
{ Type = { text_spacing : Natural }, default.text_spacing = 20 }
let SepGeo =
Defines separator dimensions
sep_spacing: gap between the separator and either above or below
{ Type = { sep_spacing : Natural }, default.sep_spacing = 20 }
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
let PlotGeo =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines plot dimensions
sec_break: gap between the plot label and the plot itself
height: height of the plot (without the label)
ticks_y: number of ticks on the y axis
{ Type = { sec_break : Natural, height : Natural, ticks_y : Natural }
, default = { sec_break = 20, height = 56, ticks_y = 4 }
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
let PlotGeo_ = { Type = { plot : PlotGeo.Type }, default.plot = PlotGeo::{=} }
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
let TableGeo =
Defines table dimensions
sec_break: spacing between header and the first table row
{ Type = { sec_break : Natural }, default.sec_break = 20 }
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
let TableGeo_ =
{ Type = { table : TableGeo.Type }, default.table = TableGeo::{=} }
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
let FSGeo =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Filesystem module dimensions
bar_spacing: spacing between percent usage bars
bar_pad: spacing between usage bars and the left edge of the panel
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
{ Type = { bar_spacing : Natural, bar_pad : Natural } //\\ SepGeo.Type
, default = { bar_spacing = 20, bar_pad = 100 } /\ SepGeo::{=}
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
let GfxGeo =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Graphics module dimensions
See PlotGeo, TextGeo, and SepGeo for options included here
{ Type = SepGeo.Type //\\ PlotGeo_.Type //\\ TextGeo.Type
, default = SepGeo::{=} /\ PlotGeo_::{=} /\ TextGeo::{=}
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
let MemGeo =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Memory module dimensions
See PlotGeo, TextGeo, and TableGeo for options included here
{ Type = TextGeo.Type //\\ PlotGeo_.Type //\\ TableGeo_.Type
, default = TextGeo::{=} /\ PlotGeo_::{=} /\ TableGeo_::{=}
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
let ProcGeo =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Processor module dimensions
See GfxGeo and TableGeo for options included here
{ Type = GfxGeo.Type //\\ TableGeo_.Type
, default = GfxGeo::{=} /\ TableGeo_::{=}
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
let PwrGeo =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Processor module dimensions
See TextGeo and PlotGeo for options included here
{ Type = TextGeo.Type //\\ PlotGeo_.Type
, default = TextGeo::{=} /\ PlotGeo_::{=}
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
let AllGeo =
{ TextGeo, PlotGeo, TableGeo, FSGeo, GfxGeo, MemGeo, ProcGeo, PwrGeo }
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
let FileSystem =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Filesystem module configuration
show_smart: show SMART daemon indicator
show_seafile: show seafile daemon indicator
fs_paths: list of filesystem paths to monitor for percent usage
geometry: dimensional data for this module
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
{ Type =
2023-01-08 12:12:57 -05:00
{ show_smart : Bool
, show_seafile : Bool
, fs_paths : List FSPath
, geometry : FSGeo.Type
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
, default.geometry = FSGeo::{=}
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
2023-09-28 23:25:11 -04:00
let GPUPower =
Controls how the GPU will be queries so it can go to sleep when 'idle'.
freq_limit: only query the GPU every 'cycle_seconds' when frequency is below
this value; this should be a sensible value representing and
2023-09-28 23:26:58 -04:00
'idle' gpu state. Set to 0 to disable this check entirely.
2023-09-28 23:25:11 -04:00
cycle_seconds: the number of seconds to query the GPU when below the idle
frequency limit; note that this must be long enough to let
the GPU go to sleep when it actually is ready to sleep, but
not so long that the next query will miss too much activity
in the case the GPU doesn't shut off
{ Type = { freq_limit : Natural, cycle_seconds : Natural }
, default = { freq_limit = 250, cycle_seconds = 10 }
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let Graphics =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Graphics module configuration
2023-09-29 00:32:51 -04:00
dev_power: sysfs path to graphics card power directory
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
show_temp: show temperature in celsius
show_clock: show clock speed
show_gpu_util: show percent utilization
show_mem_util: show percent memory utilized
show_vid_util: show percent video utilized
geometry: dimensional configuration for this module
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
{ Type =
{ dev_power : Text
, show_temp : Bool
, show_clock : Bool
, show_gpu_util : Bool
, show_mem_util : Bool
, show_vid_util : Bool
, geometry : GfxGeo.Type
2023-09-28 23:25:11 -04:00
, power : GPUPower.Type
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
2023-09-28 23:25:11 -04:00
, default = { geometry = GfxGeo::{=}, power = GPUPower::{=} }
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let Memory =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Memory module configuration
show_stats: show total memory gauge, cache, buffers, shared, and slab
show_plot: show memory utilization plot
show_swap: show swap utilization gauge (only if 'show_stats' is true)
table_rows: top processes by memory to display in table (max 10)
geometry: dimensional configuration for this module
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
{ Type =
{ show_stats : Bool
, show_plot : Bool
, show_swap : Bool
, table_rows : Natural
, geometry : MemGeo.Type
, default.geometry = MemGeo::{=}
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
let Network =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Network module configuration
geometry: dimensional configuration for this module
{ Type = { geometry : PlotGeo_.Type }, default.geometry = PlotGeo_::{=} }
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
let CoreGroup =
Defines a processor group for the Processor module
threads: the number of threads for each core in this group (usually 1 or 2)
rows: the number of rows over which to display the cores in this group
padding: the spacing to the left and right of the gauges in this group
{ threads : Natural, rows : Natural, padding : Natural }
2023-09-26 00:55:39 -04:00
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let Processor =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Network module configuration
core_groups: a list of core groups to display
show_stats: show frequency for each core group and HWP status
show_plot: show percent utilization plot
table_rows: top processes by cpu percent to display in table (max 10)
geometry: dimensional configuration for this module
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
{ Type =
2023-09-26 00:55:39 -04:00
{ core_groups : List CoreGroup
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
, show_stats : Bool
, show_plot : Bool
, table_rows : Natural
, geometry : ProcGeo.Type
, default.geometry = ProcGeo::{=}
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
let Pacman =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Pacman module configuration
geometry: dimensional configuration for this module
2022-08-16 00:14:04 -04:00
{ Type = { geometry : TextGeo.Type }, default.geometry = TextGeo::{=} }
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
let RaplSpec =
Defines a RAPL endpoint to display in the Power module
name: nice name to display above plot
address: sysfs address to the directory containing the 'energy_uj' file
{ name : Text, address : Text }
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
let Power =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines Power module configuration
battery: sysfs path to the battery to display
rapl_specs: list of RAPL endpoints to display
geometry: dimensional configuration for this module
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
{ Type =
{ battery : Text, rapl_specs : List RaplSpec, geometry : PwrGeo.Type }
, default.geometry = PwrGeo::{=}
let ReadWrite =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines ReadWrite module configuration
geometry: dimensional configuration for this module
{ Type = { devices : List Text, geometry : PlotGeo_.Type }
, default.geometry = PlotGeo_::{=}
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
let System =
Defines System module configuration
geometry: dimensional configuration for this module
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let AllModules =
{ FileSystem
, Graphics
, Memory
, Network
, Pacman
, Power
, Processor
, ReadWrite
, System
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let ModType =
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
{- Wrapper type for each module
2022-08-15 23:23:15 -04:00
< filesystem : FileSystem.Type
| graphics : Graphics.Type
| memory : Memory.Type
| network : Network.Type
| pacman : Pacman.Type
| processor : Processor.Type
| power : Power.Type
| readwrite : ReadWrite.Type
| system : System.Type
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
let Annotated =
{- Helper to ensure yaml is formatted in a parsable manner for union types
The intent is to make a block like:
type: <constructor_name>
data: <stuff_in_the_union_type>
\(a : Type) -> { type : Text, data : a }
let Block =
{- Either vertical padding or a module -}
< Pad : Natural | Mod : Annotated ModType >
let Column_ =
{- A column of modules to display
blocks: a list of blocks (either padding or a module)
width: the width of the column (and consequently everything in said column)
{ blocks : List Block, width : Natural }
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
let Column =
{- Either a column with modules or padding between columns -}
< CPad : Natural | CCol : Column_ >
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
let Panel_ =
{- A panel definition.
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
columns: a list of columns to show (must be at least one)
margins: space between the panel border and the columns
{ columns : List Column, margins : Margin }
2022-08-11 00:27:16 -04:00
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
let Panel =
{- Wrapper type for either a panel or horizontal padding between panels -}
< PPad : Natural | PPanel : Panel_ >
2022-08-11 00:27:16 -04:00
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
let Layout =
{- The layout of the display
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
'anchor' is the coordinate of the upper-left corner, and 'panels' contains
the specifications of each panel (ie modules to show).
{ anchor : Point, panels : List Panel }
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let Sizes =
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
{- The font sizes to use for various widgets
plot_label: the text above the plot
table: the text in a table (headers and rows)
header: the text of each module header
normal: all other text (excluding plot axes)
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
{ Type =
{ normal : Natural
, plot_label : Natural
, table : Natural
, header : Natural
, default = { normal = 13, plot_label = 8, table = 11, header = 15 }
let Font =
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
{- A complete font specification -}
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
{ Type = { family : Text, sizes : Sizes.Type }
, default = { family = "Neuropolitical", sizes = Sizes::{=} }
let PlotGeometry =
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
{- Global dimensions for a plot
seconds: number of seconds to display on the x axis
ticks_x: the number of ticks to display on the x axis
2022-08-16 23:53:45 -04:00
{ Type = { seconds : Natural, ticks_x : Natural }
, default = { seconds = 90, ticks_x = 9 }
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let TableGeometry =
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
{- Global dimensions for a table
name_chars: the max number of characters a cell can have before being truncated
padding: the margins between the border and the interior text
header_padding: the distance between the header and the first row of text
row_spacing: the distance between each row
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
{ Type =
{ name_chars : Natural
, padding : Margin
, header_padding : Natural
, row_spacing : Natural
, default =
{ name_chars = 8
, padding = { x = 6, y = 15 }
, header_padding = 20
2022-08-11 00:27:16 -04:00
, row_spacing = 16
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let HeaderGeometry =
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
{- Global dimensions for the header of a module
underline_offset: distance between bottom edge of text and the line below
padding: the distance between the underline and the first widget in the module
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
{ Type = { underline_offset : Natural, padding : Natural }
, default = { underline_offset = 26, padding = 19 }
let Geometry =
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
{- Global config for dimensions of various widgets -}
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
{ Type =
{ plot : PlotGeometry.Type
, table : TableGeometry.Type
, header : HeaderGeometry.Type
, default =
{ plot = PlotGeometry::{=}
, table = TableGeometry::{=}
, header = HeaderGeometry::{=}
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
let Color =
{- Alias for a solid color represented as a single hex number -}
let Alpha =
{- Alias for alpha channel as a fraction between 0 and 1 -}
let Stop =
{- Alias for the position of a color in a gradient (between 0 and 1) -}
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
let StopRGB =
{- A solid color with a position in a gradiant -}
{ color : Color, stop : Stop }
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
let StopRGBA =
{- A transparent color with a position in a gradiant -}
{ color : Color, stop : Stop, alpha : Alpha }
let ColorAlpha =
{- A solid transparent color -}
{ color : Color, alpha : Alpha }
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let Pattern =
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
{- Wrapper for different pattern types -}
< RGB : Color
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
| RGBA : ColorAlpha
| GradientRGB : List StopRGB
| GradientRGBA : List StopRGBA
let annotatePattern =
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
{- Helper function to ensure patterns are parsable in yaml
This will create entries in the yaml config like:
type: <pattern_type>
<field1>: ...
<field2>: ...
\(a : Pattern) ->
{ type = showConstructor a, data = a } : Annotated Pattern
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
let mod =
{- Helper function to ensure modules are parsable in yaml
This will create entries in the yaml config like:
type: <module name>
<field1>: ...
<field2>: ...
\(a : ModType) -> Block.Mod { type = showConstructor a, data = a }
let APattern = Annotated Pattern
let symGradient =
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
{- Make a symmetric gradient between two colors.
c0 will be the color of either edge and c1 will be the color in the center
\(c0 : Natural) ->
\(c1 : Natural) ->
( Pattern.GradientRGB
[ { color = c0, stop = 0.0 }
, { color = c1, stop = 0.5 }
, { color = c0, stop = 1.0 }
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let Patterns =
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
{- All patterns for a given theme
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
{ Type =
{ header : APattern
, panel : { bg : APattern }
, text :
{ active : APattern, inactive : APattern, critical : APattern }
, border : APattern
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
, plot :
{ grid : APattern
, outline : APattern
, data : { border : APattern, fill : APattern }
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
, indicator :
{ bg : APattern, fg : { active : APattern, critical : APattern } }
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
, default =
{ header = annotatePattern (Pattern.RGB 0xefefef)
= annotatePattern (Pattern.RGBA { color = 0x121212, alpha = 0.7 })
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
, text =
{ active = annotatePattern (Pattern.RGB 0xbfe1ff)
, inactive = annotatePattern (Pattern.RGB 0xc8c8c8)
, critical = annotatePattern (Pattern.RGB 0xff8282)
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
, border = annotatePattern (Pattern.RGB 0x888888)
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
, plot =
{ grid = annotatePattern (Pattern.RGB 0x666666)
, outline = annotatePattern (Pattern.RGB 0x777777)
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
, data =
{ border =
( Pattern.GradientRGB
[ { color = 0x003f7c, stop = 0.0 }
, { color = 0x1e90ff, stop = 1.0 }
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
, fill =
( Pattern.GradientRGBA
[ { color = 0x316ece, stop = 0.2, alpha = 0.5 }
, { color = 0x8cc7ff, stop = 1.0, alpha = 1.0 }
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
, indicator =
{ bg = symGradient 0x565656 0xbfbfbf
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
, fg =
{ active = symGradient 0x316BA6 0x99CEFF
, critical = symGradient 0xFF3333 0xFFB8B8
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
let Theme =
2023-09-27 00:40:37 -04:00
Defines the theme for displaying the window
font: the font to use
geometry: the global dimensions to use for each panel and widget (for
everything not define by individual modules)
patterns: colors and gradient definitions
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
{ Type =
{ font : Font.Type
, geometry : Geometry.Type
, patterns : Patterns.Type
, default =
{ font = Font::{=}, geometry = Geometry::{=}, patterns = Patterns::{=} }
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
let Bootstrap =
{- Defines minimal options to start conky prior to calling any lua code.
{ update_interval : Natural, dimensions : Point }
2022-08-11 00:05:06 -04:00
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
let Config =
{- Global config type -}
{ bootstrap : Bootstrap, theme : Theme.Type, layout : Layout }
2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
2022-08-11 00:05:06 -04:00
let toConfig =
2023-09-27 22:55:13 -04:00
{- Helper function to generate a config -}
\(update_interval : Natural) ->
\(width : Natural) ->
\(height : Natural) ->
\(theme : Theme.Type) ->
\(layout : Layout) ->
{ bootstrap =
{ update_interval, dimensions = { x = width, y = height } }
, theme
, layout
2022-08-11 00:05:06 -04:00
: Config
in { toConfig, Block, Column, ModType, Layout, Panel, FSPath, Theme, mod }
/\ AllModules
/\ AllGeo